Sunday, December 1, 2024

Remember His Birth...


 Today is December 1st. 

This is the beginning of  probably one of the busiest months of the year.

We are preparing for a very special holiday, Christmas.

In many places, it's no longer except-able to even say the word "Christmas." It's been replaced with "holiday."

Stores, especially on the weekends, are filled to the brim. 

 Trying to get through the lines to the cash registers is sometimes maddening.

Money is getting spent like a waterfall and the thought of bills often signals alarm.

Amid all this chaos, we still love seeing gorgeous Christmas lights and decorated homes and businesses.

It's such a beautiful time of year.

It's important to remember the real reason for the season.

 Even if Christmas is not His exact birthday date, the reason for commemorating it is to remember Him and his humble birth.

 It is also to honor Him, the little Savior of the world.

The Baby Jesus, his mother, Mary, and father figure, Joseph are so important to teach to children.

The little king's birth gives hope to a broken, weary world.

He exudes love and with Him, life is worth living.

One can accompany children to people-sized manger scenes as a special activity this month.

Explain who the characters represent and how the first Christmas came to be.


Such a visit is one of the greatest gifts one can give to a child and it can have life-long impact.

While enjoying all the goodness and wonder of Christmas, remember the real reason for everything------the birth of Baby Jesus. 



My Shasta Home said...

This is so beautiful. I have a collection of nativities I have collected throughout the years and we put out a vintage outdoor nativity in the front of the house.
It truly is, a beautiful time of year when we can look past all the material glitter and glitz and get to the real gift which is; For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Anonymous said...

Yes I have three manger scenes. At our church there is a Christmas pageant for children at six pm on Christmas Eve with a live baby Jesus and all children can participate!

Red Rose Alley said...

Yes, I have a beautiful manger scene that I bought many years ago, with all the wise men and Holy Family wearing real fabric clothes with jewels. It's the prettiest one I've seen. This was such a wonderful post to remember what this special day is all about. It's such a shame to me when workers can't say Merry Christmas any more. I will always shout it to the rooftops.....Merry Christmas season, Susan!


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