Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Remembering Honey Cat


For 17 years, Honey Cat had the run of the house.

She was an Arizona desert-born cat who happened to be a real huntress.  

One of the scariest days of my life came when she caught a living, foot-long lizard, had it in her mouth, proudly pranced through the patio doors, and dropped the lizard in the living room.

My daughter got it from under the couch, placed a cardboard box over it, and waited for my late husband to come home and deal with it.

All the while, I stood on the couch and screamed.

Honey Cat moved cross-country to Massachusetts and adapted perfectly to freezing cold winters.

She died in her 17th year of life and broke a lot of hearts.

One Christmas, my son and daughter-in-law gifted me with the Jim Shore Santa shown at the top of this post.

It came with the kitty that reminded me of Honey Cat and has been a favorite Santa ever since.



Red Rose Alley said...

Oh Susan, what a charming story about your Honey Cat. I would have freaked out if any pet of mine brought a lizard into the living room. They itself scare me a little. Your Santa with the cat is a great reminder of Honey Cat, the pet you were so fond of. I'm not much of a cat person, but I do love dogs. Mia just got a pup for Christmas, and I can't wait to hug him. : )


Debby said...

That’s touching. Losing a beloved pet is hard and having little remembrance's help. We have all our pets cremated and buried in our yard. I plant little flowers, pull the weeds and think of them and the joy they gave to us. It’s definitely the yucky part of pet ownership - those final goodbyes. Beautiful post.

diane stetson said...

I had a cat for 18 years but I do not have anything to remind me of her. If I see a picture of an orange cat anywhere that reminds me of her. BUT my daughter has ashes in a jar and a shrine to both her cats in her apartment.
I remember honey cat. I've had several lizards in my house which my son has removed for me and I don't even have a cat anymore.

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