One of the first collections around here was cookbooks.
They bring so much satisfaction.
It doesn't even matter if any of the recipes get used.
Cookbooks just make good reading and are filled with dozens upon dozens of possibilities and ideas.
After many decades and cross-country moves, the number of cookbooks collected admittedly did become wayyyyyyy too many.
Some were sold, dozens were given to the local library.
Still, an entire shelf in a small bookcase is dedicated to "hold-outs," cookbooks that are just really kind of hard to part with.
It would be nice to know your opinion of cookbooks.
Are they obsolete because so many recipes are available on line?
Does anyone collect them or even read them anymore?
Do you have any favorites?
My one all-time favorite is the cookbook by Better Crocker. I've used that one for literally decades.
I doubt there are too many recipes one cannot find in that cookbook. I just love it.
Well, if truth be told, I love most cookbooks!
Do you?
I enjoy cookbooks! It’s always been a weakness - even when I go into a thrift store I’m compelled to look through the many cookbooks.
While I have my favorite cookbooks, I so enjoy all cookbooks. My mother-in-law was a cookbook collector. I have several of hers and like you, I think they are so interesting. Do I ever cook recipes from them? rarely unless it's my favorite recipes.
I do use a couple cookbooks I have for favorite recipes but mostly I go online to look up new things. I guess I'm modern ..ha ha. Enjoy your cookbooks as you are a great cook.
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