Monday, January 13, 2025

Memories of Childhood Doll

A frequent suggestion of how to find happiness in decorating is to surround one's self with things that one loves or is attracted to.

One Christmas in recent past years, my daughter found online an exact replica of my childhood doll (obsession?), Tiny Tears, for me.

My Godmother originally gifted the first Tiny Tears and I named  the dolly, "Michele."

For the next several years, she accompanied me to just about anywhere I went.

Little Michele  was a faithful and immensely loved companion.

She never argued, just loved. 

There is no recognition as to what happened to her but when I opened up the Christmas present and saw the Tiny Tears doll inside, it thrilled my heart.

I felt like a kid again.

"Michele" now sits on my maternal grandmother's buffet in the small apartment living room, seven decades after she first came into my life.

Nearby are a few of her sister dolls.  

Does she bring happiness and wonderful memories to me?

Absolutely "YES."


1 comment:

Shug said...

Michele is the cutest. I can see why these sweet dolls bring you such happiness. You are right, we need to have things setting out that brings joy to us. I was a tomboy and I most played outdoors with my siblings and my cousins. This is when we could play cowboys and Indians and we always had a fort.

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