Monday, March 10, 2025

Have a Great Week


A new week in a fairly new month gives us renewed hope for good days ahead.

Starting each day with gratitude almost guarantees a good day from start to finish.

As previously reported, a trek to a rented storage unit uncovered an Easter tote.

The delightful task of unwrapping decorations that have been packed away for a few years has been fun.

Some of the army of bunbuns will have to be given away this year. 

They may be posted on the local Facebook Marketplace.

In today's post, only a smattering of bunbuns will be shown.

The bunbun army made more sense when living in a big, Colonial house.  

They could be spread out throughout large rooms.

Not so in a little apartment....there are just too many bunbuns to accommodate comfortably.

But for today, I remain grateful for everything, bunbuns and all.

May your week ahead be blessed.


Red Rose Alley said...

I'm glad you were able to track down your Easter storage bin, Susan. What fun it must be to see your special things again. That's always like a treat. I love that little Snowbaby, it's the cutest thing. And that white fuzzy bunny has me smiling too. : )

Have a beautiful week, Susan.


Debby@My Shasta Home said...

The snow baby is precious! I need to sift through my things - maybe this week.

Shug said...

I love how just the sweetest looking little bunny can brighter our world. Yours are all adorable and I know your home is full of happiness. I'm planning on getting my bunnies out this week....Enjoy your day Susan and I hope you get some warm sunshine.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

I feel the nostalgic pang reading your post this morning, Susan. All treasures and it always feels a little sad to part with things that mean so much, but needs must.

I wish you grace for this project. Saying goodbye to each piece, thanking and blessing it seems to help me when I need to let things go. It's the message, 'I can't keep you but I'm grateful for our time together.' There's a sense of 'handing over' not not a discarding. Take care.

Happy Monday...
Brenda xo

diane stetson said...

You have inspired me to get out my Easter things. Perhaps today will be the day I get them on display. I love your bunnies as long as they are stuffed ones,

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