Storyteller dolls are among the most fascinating of art pieces in the southwest.
In Native American tradition, there is always one person, sometimes a grandfather, who serves as a storyteller, to pass on information to the children. Storyteller dolls, made from clay of the earth, depict such a person. They are almost always shown with their mouths open. Tiny "children" are shown sitting on the storyteller's lap, back, arms, legs, and sometimes head!

This is a different style of storyteller doll but still very unique.

Check out the quarter to the left of this storyteller doll to get an idea of how small these are.
A Native American woman named Helen Cordero of Cochiti Pueblo in New Mexico is said to be the artist who made the first contemporary storyteller doll. It was fashioned in honor of her own grandfather, who passed on stories to his own people.
When we lived in Arizona, every time I saw an affordable storyteller doll, I delighted in buying it. It's one of the most unique collections to own!

If anyone would like to learn more about storyteller dolls, there is a book titled Pueblo Storyteller: Development of a Figurative Ceramic Tradition. It can be ordered at Barnes and Noble.
What is your opinion of this storyteller doll collection?
Did you ever think of opening your own "store" with all your collections? I bet your business would be off the charts...(just a thought) I don't remember ever seeing these kinds of dolls at your house..but they are very unique.
Hi Di! I would LOVE to have a second hand treasure shop. Just love it. Butttttttt, the problem with my collections, is that I would NOT want to give them away. ha! Thanks for your visit. Sincerely, Susan
They are an entirely new "field" for me! Very fascinating. (I think this might be quite a rare - and thus valuable - collection, am I correct?)
They remind me of a photo I have of all our grandchildren gathered around my husband and on his lap as he reads to them! LOVE it.
I never ever heard of them before! You can be sure now when I do see them, I'll think of you!!
Hi Rebecca. The storyteller dolls are not really rare in the southwest. They tend to be pricey, though. I'm so glad you checked in to my blog! Always love having you. Sincerely, Susan
Hi Terri....They are pretty much Native American fare. Thanks for your visit and comment. I'm so HAPPY for you, regarding the job. I hope God comes through for me eventually too! ha! I keep asking. You'll be a good social worker. Keep in touch! Sincerely, Susan
I'd not heard of these either, but they are interesting. The workmanship is amazing. Thanks for sharing this!
Oh, thanks for stopping by, Karen. I'm always delighted to see you! Glad you liked the storytellers! Sincerely, Susan
I just bought the one above with the woman wearing the green coat and the many children nestled around her at a garage sale. She is really sweet. How much is she worth?
i think that it's very good that you collect folk art pieces. and more, let us to get to know more about it :)
that one looks like an alien..:)
I recently acquired a bag of small statues and in it was the grandfather story teller that you show in your blog. yours is the only mention I can find on the internet and was wondering if you could help me learn more? TIA Mary
BTW I agree that the little one peeking out of the headdress is precious.
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