Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Fun at 4-H County Youth Fair

Hello Sweet Blog Peeps:
 This week promises to be a super busy one so I'm not going to have too much time on the computer.
 Consequently, to save a little time for visiting other blogs, I'm going to post for two days at the same time.  
 Hope you don't mind. You know how much you mean to me.
 So here's Tuesday and Wednesday's post.
Until next time, have fun!

 And now for today's post:

Moooo, quack, cackle, mahh, and neighh sounds filled the air.

The 4-H Youth Fair came to a Western Massachusetts town this month and it was fun for all.

Competitors, of course, felt nervous as  they petted bunnies and other  animals of all colors and sizes.

Looks of anticipation mixed with a little apprehension showed on little faces.

So much work had  gone into the event and emotions ran high.

Winners, of course, proudly displayed their ribbons.  For others, there is always next  year!

In any event, all the youth did a wonderful job putting on and participating in the fair.

The weather could not possibly have been more beautiful. It was clear, cool, crisp and soaked in sunshine.

The 4-H kids, planners as well as participants, did a stellar job from start to finish.



Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Nothing like that goes on around here. This country has a long ways to go in the care and raising of animals. Hope all your busyness of the week is the good kind of busy. Best wishes, Tammy

Unknown said...

Hello from Spain: Nice pictures and endearing show. In my country there is no such fairs. The animals are highly protected. Keep in touch

Valerie said...

Dear Susan,
Thank you so much for the well wishes. =) What lovely pictures! My niece and nephew were a big part of 4=H club during their homeschooling years.
Blessings and Sunshine,

Bookie said...

Haven't been to the fair in years...used to go but now age and heat and all....well, home sounds better. Liked seeing your pictures though!

Chatty Crone said...

I think the best part of fairs for me - is when I used to take my kids there and then my grandson - and seeing everything again out of new eyes. Kids she do love animals.

Nellie said...

Nothing like the animal exhibits at the Fair around here. I love watching the competition.

Whenever I have time, I do a lot of preposting for my blog.

Linda O'Connell said...

I have never been to a a 4H fair but know I would love it. Thanks for the photos.

agatek said...

What a pity that not have at me such the country fair. Nice animals but what is astrange animal at last photo?

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, look at all the sweet animals. What a wonderful place to go. I love county fairs, and I haven't been to mine in so long. I've always loved the rides, but as I get older, I think my favorite part is just browsing through the booths and looking at all the animals, like this.

I usually come over with the thought of seeing your latest post, Susan, but they are delightful one after another, so I just can't resist looking at them all.


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