Slices of life, both written and photographed.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Hip, Hip Hurray!

Here's a funny story for you.

For more than a year, we tried to attract birds to our backyard.

Wrought iron bird  bath and two feeders  filled with lots of seed were all placed on the grass.

No birds came.

Finally, this past spring,  word must have finally gotten out.

The birdies started  to arrive and hubs and I have been totally delighted.

This past weekend, we hosted  a huge shower for a sweet little baby-in-waiting and balloons inside a big tent were part of the decorations.
When we woke up Sunday morning, after all the hoopla, we couldn't believe our eyes when we looked out the window.

During the night, a bouquet of balloons had somehow gotten loose from the pointed inside ceiling of the tent.

They landed on the top of one of the bird feeders so even our little feathered friends could get into the celebratory mood!

Here they are, reflected in the bird bath.

The bouncing bouquet of balloons is still there, too, and we couldn't be happier.

Wonder how long they will stay there.

Any bets?



Terra said...

How fun the birds had balloons at their feasting place too. I keep 3 bird feeders filled plus a hummingbird feeder and a bird bath.

Linda O'Connell said...

That is an incredible birdbath photo. You always have so much fun.

Unknown said...

Hello from Spain: I do. I have birds in my garden. In spring the birds wake me with their sound. Nice pic about birdbath. Keep in touch

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Glad to hear that the birds are finally coming around. I still enjoy watching the birds outside our back door. Best wishes, Tammy

diane.stetson said...

I enjoy watching hummingbirds and other birds outside and hear them singing especially early in the morning but don't feed them as we have a problem with rats around here. I think it is so funny that the balloons landed on the bird bath.

Nellie said...

Were you to have had the wind we had the other night, those balloons would be long gone! Perhaps it is coming your direction. Really good birdbath picture!

Zaa said...

Such a delightful little story filled with joy and surprise... Yeah for balloons, they're a great source of inspiration to everyone, even the birdies...( ha Ha) ..You made my day with your posting...ENJOY your day Dear lady !!!! Hugs

Barbara Neubeck said...

... the balloons on the bird feeder is great fun thing to happen.... we don't have feeders here ... but we do have an aviary with birds in it... they give us a lot of pleasure... Hugs ... Barb xxxx

Merlesworld said...

We have a lot of doves, a blackbird and a wren family most of the time and a few others that come and go.

Chatty Crone said...

Well I think that was a God Wink of a job done with love. Beautiful ending. Yes we have lots of birds!

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