Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Strawberry Shortcake, Cream on Top

When we were kids, we used to sing rhyme about strawberries while jumping rope. 

It went like this:

"Strawberry shortcake, cream on top. 
Tell the first initials of your best sweetheart!"

It was sooooo long ago but I remember it as if it were yesterday.

The other day, my little granddaughter looked up at me with her big hazel colored eyes and said,

Let's make strawberry shortcake."

Now who could refuse such a totally sweet and heartfelt request?

We whipped together some fresh homemade biscuits.

She helped me prepare the strawberries and sugar.

I didn't have heavy cream on hand so the kind that came in a can had to suffice.

My little doll baby didn't mind a bit.



Kamyria said...

Oh, yum! Strawberry shortcake is one of my favourite desserts. I`ve never made one myself but now I want to. :)

marianne said...

Yes, yes, yes! Yours looks so good. Can't wait for strawberry season to start here in New England. Nothing better than spending an hour or so picking strawberries right from the strawberry plant as the warm June sun shines upon you. Then it's home to make some buttermilk biscuits and whipped cream. The reward is the strawberry shortcake to die for! Enjoy....

SImple and Serene Living said...

My late father made the best homemade strawberry shortcake ever. I always think of that when strawberry season rolls around. xo Laura

diane.stetson said...

I love strawberry shortcake and made it numerous times for my family when the kids were growing up. Now I only make it if I'm having company as I just like eating the strawberries without anything on them. Hope your little grand daughter had fun eating your shortcakes!

Unknown said...

Hello from Spain: I really like your post. It looks yummy. Keep in touch.

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

How your little granddaughter must love the time she spends with you! And her sweet request looks soooo delicious too! I love the whipped cream in a can! I may have been known to squirt little puffs right into open mouths of little ones ;)

Chatty Crone said...

I didn't make the shortcake part of it tonight - but I bought some pretty strawberries and cut them up nice - in a little sugar and whip cream on top - tonight for dessert - great minds think a like.

Red Rose Alley said...

Your strawberry shortcake looks scrumptious, and how nice that you made it with your granddaughter. My husband really likes this dessert, but I haven't made it in a long time. I'll have to give it a try again when the strawberries are at their best this summer.

love, ~Sheri

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