Sunday, October 2, 2016

"Happy Crow" Kids Welcome Autumn

My very young, but smart, granddaughter and I had quite a conversation the other day.

Out on the front porch is a collection of scarecrow kids, made from straw, of course.

They make a comeback from the attic every fall. 

The little one wanted to know why they are called "scarecrows" when, after all, they are happy, not scary.

Uhhhh, well, most scarecrows do just what their name suggests-----they scare away the crows in the yard, I explained.

"But Grammie, the kids are happy and should not be called 'scarecrows.' "

The voice of reason was heard.

The "kids" were immediately renamed  the "happy crow kids."



Red Rose Alley said...

Children are precious, aren't they? I can always tell Autumn has arrived when I see the scarecrows in the yards. Nel still has a scarecrow decoration from when she was a kid. Your "happy crow kids" are delightful, Susan.

love, ~Sheri

diane.stetson said...

Oh I just love comments from four year precious.ha ha ha. Your happy crow kids are so cute. I'm sure guests including that four year old will love having been greeted by the happy crow kids.

Chatty Crone said...

Out of the mouth of babes!

Merlesworld said...

Their logic and wonder make us stop and think, life is simple until we grow up and fill it with problems.

Linda O'Connell said...

Oh I know how sweet your little ones are. Children see the world so differently than we do. Isn't it wonderful?

Jeannie Marie said...

I love how children think. I do love a good scarecrow though and have a little one in my garden that doesn't scare anything!

Barbara Neubeck said...

.. your welcome 'happy'crow kids are lovely Susan.....
... Barb xxxx

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