Sunday, January 5, 2020

A Touch of Mexico from Talented Artists

The arts and crafts of Mexico are quite appealing.

Many sizzle with bright colors.

 Others are more muted like the manger scene shown in today's post.

A dear friend in Arizona once gave me the crude, simple, yet lovely tin replica (shown below)  of the Blessed Mother of Guadalupe.

She hangs out all year on the wall in my home office. 

There have been many Mexican articles in our home that were purchased the past few years.

The manger scene shown in this post is one of my purchases from a vacation, long ago, into Mexico.

If there were a cabinet in a spare room, it'd be fun to keep manger scenes of every size, color, and place of origin displayed all year long. 

However, it's time to start downsizing collections so guess getting a manger scene cabinet is not in the cards.



Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

I love to see how different they are around the world. I do have several but didn't get them out this year. Definitely a very unique and nice collection to have.

nothoughtsnoprayersnonothing said...

I had the traditional looking scene. (if there is such a thing)
After reading your post I looked on the net for manger scene collections. There certainly are a plenty if you ever find enough places to set them. I am sure your favorites are the ones given by friends.

Linda O'Connell said...

I was delighted to discover a manger scene at Goodwill, a Fisher-Price plastic set for toddlers. The boys love it! I think I will leave it out all year for them.

diane stetson said...

I have three manger scenes all on top of my piano this year...a hand carved one that was given to me by a friend miniature which I love, a one piece set that was my Mother's and a traditional one with lights that my son gave me . I love them all and always display them each year. I've seen many in my travels to different countries too but didn't buy them.

Chatty Crone said...

We have one Nativity Scene. Our church this year gathered a couple hundred and had a weekend festival. There were so m any different ones you would not believe it. sandie

Red Rose Alley said...

What a pretty nativity set from Mexico. Hand painted and lovely, it looks like a sturdy one that will last through the years. I have some Rosary beads that were bought in Mexico. Isn't it nice to have treasures from other places, Susan?


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