Monday, August 5, 2024

The Gift of Music


Music helps make life more precious than ever. 

One of the best places on earth to hear incredible music of all kinds is at Tanglewood in western Massachusetts.

It's the summer home of the Boston Symphony Orchestra.

Grounds are expansive and beautiful.

People come by the thousands from all over to listen to glorious music under the stars.

Those who buy lawn tickets set up chairs, blankets, and even full scale picnics to enjoy before concerts begin.

It's a truly impressive place in which to be steeped in some of the world's best music.

It's easy to know that magic still happens when listening to a concert under millions of stars.



diane stetson said...

Oh that is a loaded question. I LOVE all kinds of music except rap and heavy metal. Otherwise I really enjoy classical music, jazz, and the American Songbook. I love 1940s hits and I love Broadway musicals from Rodgers and Hammerstein and Gershwin and Cole Porter. I could go on and on as I am in the church choir and love sacred music too...but you get the idea. I absolutely LOVE going to Tanglewood when I'm back east.

Shug said...

I've never heard of this place, but what an awesome treat for you all to be able to do this. They do have such beautiful grounds as seen in the picture. I really like an assortment of music. I actually go to sleep with my earbuds, listening to Christian music. I like to listen to Cody Johnson (By Your Grace), Scotty McCreery (the Old King James), Zach Williams (Rescue Story) and Larry Fleet...(Where I find God).... I also enjoy Country Music. How sweet it would be to listen to my Christian music under the stars...

My Tata's Cottage said...

Music lover here! When our oldest son Jeremy was barely 1 he watched the Boston Symphony with us on PBS. He started to act like the conductor. Oh how I wish we had a camera in our hands. This is a beautiful share. I hope you are having a blessed day. Take care

Amy Aldrich said...

This really is one of the most beautiful places on earth! It’s the perfect harmony of music and nature. A perfect place to find peace and solitude and refresh one’s spirit!

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