Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Friendship Flowers!

"Make new friends but keep the old,
One is silver, the other gold."

Remember that old saying? I don't know where it came from so it's impossible to give credit to the person who coined it. It's meaningful, though.

Two of my dearest friends go back a long way. Even though there were many years when we lived thousands of miles apart, they both remained close in thought and spirit. Now, once again, we all live in the same town! How incredible is that? Life sure throws some curve balls when we least expect.

So one recent afternoon, the doorbell rang. It was one of my dear friends holding a gorgeous flower arrangment she made from silk flowers.

"Happy Easter," she grinned as she handed me the arrangement plus a lovely Easter card. She's so doggone talented that it's not funny. How she can take a pile of different flowers and greenery and whip it into a gorgeous centerpiece is beyond me. This one is arranged in a white ceramic watering "can" that my friend thrifted!

Later in the evening, the doorbell rang again. It was my second dear friend holding a centerpiece she made from live flowers!

"Happy Easter," she chirped as she came in and happily handed over the flowers. She, too, is tremendously talented and the living bouquet is now on the kitchen table.

Both centerpieces touched my heart because they were made with such love and kindness by two very special women in my life.

Do I feel blessed this Easter season and each moment of my life? Yes, truly, I feel blessed beyond measure and undeserving of such kindness from my two dear friends.



Chatty Crone said...

Those friendship flowers are beautiful. What is it in flowers that make us so happy? And you got two of them.

Very unusual how you moved away and then got back together. I'm glad for you.

Bet you are a great friend in return too.


Anonymous said...

What a blessing to be reunited with your two friends after all these years so far apart! They both are very talented and I bet these flowers really make your home look festive for Easter. Blessings to you this day.

diane stetson said...

Oh these boquets are just lovely. I get flowers from my administration when I give concerts and I always take pictures of them...Happy Easter and enjoy them! xo

BECKY said...

Wow Susan! You must be a tremendous friend, to receive such tremendous gifts!! (I can tell that you are, though, just by knowing you online!) Happy Easter and Happy Spring!

Rebecca said...

Really, really pretty centerpieces, Susan! An what thoughtful friends.

No, I'm doing very little for Easter this year. We are throwing together a 2 week vacation beginning right after church on Easter Sunday (my husband is a pastor), so I'm doing good to get my bases covered while we're away and packing in time to be ready!

Hope your Easter Holiday is filled with joy, friendship and celebration of the Living Jesus Christ!

middle child said...

"Make new friends but keep the old,.." We sang this in rounds in girl scouts.

Anonymous said...

Oh isn't it lovely when friends live nearby and especially when you're treated so special!

the flowers are just lovely! they must have made you smile from ear to ear for sure!

Susan, thanks for coming by today...

always creative
always carmelina

podso said...

It's interesting both of your friends brought you the same thing! You all know each other well. No I don't give gifts to friends at Easter, but if I did it would most likely be flowers!

Susan said...

Hello Sandy! Mildred! Diane! Becky! Rebecca! Middle Child! Carmelina! and Podso!

Sending each of you sweet blessings and gratitude for stopping by and commenting. You are all sooooo sweet. Loved reading your comments.

As the song from the Beverly Hillbillies says, "Y'all come back now, ya hear?" Sincerely, Susan

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

How lovely to receive such beautiful flowers from friends along with the gift of longlasting friendship. Many blessings, Tammy

Susan said...

Thank you, Tammy. Hope you have a great Thursday! Sincerely, Susan

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