Only three days until Easter! There's so much to do the task list is running off the page. Check off each item:
1. Groceries to buy
2. Cheese braid to make
3. Easter baskets to finish
4. House to clean
5. On and on and on

Most important reminder of all: Just like Christmas, at Easter, we must think of the reason for the season! So, today, we must sit still for a moment, preferably alone. Close eyes. Breathe deeply. Feel His presence. Talk to Him. Tell Him how much you have left to do. Ask His help to do it.

Most of all, thank Him. Thank Him for the huge sacrifice He made on the cross. Thank Him for the incredible gift of good health. Thank Him for children, your own and/or others. Thank Him for abundance. Thank Him for Easter bunnies, eggs, and furry, yellow chickens.
All the pre-Easter tasks will get done or, if they don't it will be alright.
Okay. Get to a corner of the couch and just sit. God is waiting.

You are so right - sometimes we get so stressed trying to do everything for these holidays we forget to enjoy them and remember the true meaning of the holiday!
I just love all your items - you must have the nicest decorated house.
I am all ready for easter except I also need to do all the things on your list too:) I am always ready to eat those chocolate bunnies:)
I love your reminder. I still have eggs to boil and dye. Have a wonderful Easter.
You are so right, Susan! I'm lucky, we celebrate Orthodox Easter, so I have an extra week! ;)
you sound like a busy little beaver, or should I say bunny! lol
have a lovely weekend!
ciao bella
thanks for stopping by today, always a pleasure to hear from you!
Sweet photos today! I'm thankful to the Lord also for new blog friends! Wishing you and yours a blessed weekend.
Hi Everybody! So happy you all visited while I was out. It was a beautiful day here in Massachusetts so I was out and about in the sunshine. We were all so waterlogged that the rays felt glorious!
Thanks for all your comments, too. Sending lots of good wishes for a wonderful weekend for each of you! Sincerely, Susan
Hi Susan,
What a good reminder of the reason for Easter!! I love the decorating and fun but the important part is to remember the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus. I'm at my Mom's until Monday so we will have a wonderful day here at her house.
Hi Linda! So glad you stopped by. That's great you are still at your Mom's. What a nice vacation you are having! Have FUN! A blessed Easter too! Sincerely, Susan
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