(This cross was made by artists in El Salvador, Central America.)
Today, Good Friday, is a Holy Day for Christians.
It is a day of sorrow yet one of celebration. Jesus Christ faced death on a cross this day so the sins of His precious children would be forgiven. Such a sacrifice is almost unbelievable. His bruised and bleeding body, wrapped in cloth and spices, was then buried in a tomb. Three days later, He arose from the dead, filling the hearts of His sorrowful followers with unquenchable joy! By dying on a cross, He showed His immense love for His children. The course of history, and millions of lives, were forever changed by Jesus' sacrifice.
Jesus, a humble, gentle servant, became an example for all of us. His death gave His followers life.
Today, Christians remember, with deep sorrow, the pain and agony of His passion.
My own heart is filled to the brim with sadness today, thinking of all Christ went through. While concentrating on His death, I am humbled and cry tears of gratitude.
My wish today for all readers, Christians and non-Christians, alike, is deep and abiding peace.
It's funny, no matter how many times I hear the same story - I am still totally amazed that someone loved me, enough to do that. Sandie
I like to sing the childhood song " Jesus Loves Me" on Good Friday...Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so, Little ones to Him belong...they are weak but He is strong. Yes, Jesus loves me, Yes, Jesus loves me, Yes Jesus loves me, the Bible tells me so...Have a very peaceful day !
Great post Susan. And yes, such unconditional love and living example carves out the path for us to follow in our living and expressing love to each other.
Thanks for sharing. Happy Easter.
Dear Sandie, Diane, Middle Child, and Alicia....Thank you all so much for stopping by and commenting. Hope you each have a blessed Easter! Take care! Sincerely, Susan
What a beautiful cross. Much creativity and skill went into making it and you must enjoy displaying it.
Hello LDH...Yes, the artists in Central America are amazing. They love to use lots of color! Of course, I love colorful things, too, so that art work truly appeals to me! Thanks for stopping by! Sincerely, Susan
Wishing you a happy and blessed Easter Susan! xx Gypsy Purple
Thank you, Gypsy. Hope the same for you! Sincerely, Susan
That cross sure brings back memories!! I went Elsalvador in the 1990's and had the opportunity to watch them make those crosses and other beautiful crafts. I brought a bunch back home with me to sell for the people there. I sent the proceeds to the artist community that made them.
Wow Susan. That's awesome. Did you see them painting the crosses in the capital or one of the small towns? We lived in El Salvador many years ago. Take care and a blessed Easter to you! Sincerely, Susan
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