Monday, September 13, 2010

From Faded to Brilliant:White Woodwork Retouch for Susan's Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps on the Porch

White woodwork and French doors in our house have been getting coats of fresh paint.

While I love white, it does take upkeep. It's unpleasant to look at chipped or faded white woodwork. So out comes the glossy white paint and brush.  Donning my painting clothes---an old pair of beige pants and a turquoise top, both spattered with paint-- make me look like a bag lady. 

There's something relaxing about painting. As the white paint is applied, nicks disappear and the woodwork starts to look fresh and clean.

Here's the kitchen wains coating:                                                         Even radiators get a coat of paint!

When paint spatters in little white specks on the floor, they are cleaned up up right away. After all, I just completed the backbreaking job of stripping, washing, and then applying sealant to flagstones on the floor inside the front hallway. No way will paint specks be allowed on the newly restored flagstone.

For a moment, I contemplate putting on some background music but decide against it. It's much nicer painting in silence.

Four French doors have been completed as well as all of the downstairs woodwork. There is still painting to be done in two bedrooms. A third has been completed.  This is a big house and an old one, too, so there are several rooms and two hallways, all with white woodwork.
The kitchen is pretty much finished and looks fresh and cheerful.  The walls are a very light pastel yellow and the woodwork and wains coating are, of course, the whitest of white!  Here is the plate arrangement on the wall:

Now the woodwork looks nice and clean and the labor was cheap!  Do you think the painter should get a raise?


Jane said...

You have done a lot of work here and it looks great! Certainly, you do deserve a raise!


Linda O'Connell said...

Stunning! Love the view through the French doors. Fresh white paint makes everything look so nice and clean. I also like white walls. Oh yeah, now I remember, it's time to paint here too. The weather is perfect for painting.

Bookie said...

You have a lovely home and the white is so pristine looking.You must love living there!

Claus said...

I was painting over the weekend as well!! In fact, I have scheduled my weekends all the way to November on painting projects around the house. Since I work full time Mon-Fri, I only get the weekends to do such work. I started by painting a little living room decorated in a Guatemalan style, with handicrafts and material, as well as colors and furniture of this area. I chose a terracota red for the back wall and the entrance, and it looks lovely!! My mother liked it very much, so I'm twice as happy. Next: hallways!! I really love to paint; relaxing and the results are to be proud of.
Good job with the white paint!! It looks fresh and clean. Very pretty.
have a great day!!

Chatty Crone said...

A little paint - makes a huge difference. sandie

Sue said...

It all looks so fresh and pretty. We also have white trim and ours needs a new coat to brighten it up. That is our winter project (well, my husband does the painting here).

Thanks for visiting me!

dee dee said...

I'm getting ready to paint my office white, it will be my first white room in my house! What a fresh change repainting has made in your home!
dee dee

The Old Parsonage said...

Most definitely - you did a fab job. Looks great!


Karen Lange said...

Yes, maybe the painter should get a raise:) Looks very nice! White always looks so bright and fresh.
Blessings for your week,

diane stetson said...

Looks Great MOTHER, LIKE Daughter...Mom loved to paint. It's not one of my favorite things to do though.

From Beyond My Kitchen Window said...

From one Susan to another,I love white too. Your house looks so crisp and clean. The plates are perfectly placed. Glad I stopped by,it was a nice visit.Susan

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