Thursday, November 25, 2010


Thanksgiving, 2010, is now history.
The turkey's cooked, eaten, and digested. Mountains of dishes have been washed.

Dessert has been tasted (and eaten) with guilt.  The only thing left to do is get on the scale and face the music but that can wait.

See the girl and kitty cat in the photo ?  That's what I feel like doing today. However, it's time to start decorating for, you know, Christmas.

Can't wait to put up the tree and make the rest of the house beautiful, as well. That multi-day task begins today.

By the way, the photos shown are scenes in a southwestern museum dedicated entirely to miniatures.  Everything in the photos is little, including the Christmas tree!   I'll be posting on a visit to that museum, along with some photos of many unique dollhouse rooms and shops, etc. So keep checking this blog if you love miniatures.

(Unfortunately, the photos are a little blurry when enlarged. Some came out as clear as day but while taking others, I must have jiggled the camera a bit. So sorry.)

Hope you have a peaceful, relaxing day today. If you are also decorating for Christmas, at least do it with joy in your heart. Take frequent breaks. Make some tea. Listen to some holiday music. The best of the season is yet to come!



BECKY said...

Hi Susan! What a lovely post! I just love doll houses and miniatures of all kinds. What IS it about tiny things that enthrall us so?! And yes, I had a memorable and happy Thanksgiving! And, I'm also ready to start decorating for Christmas! I've already begun listening to some of the seasonal music! I'll probably begin addressing my Christmas cards in the next day or so, too! Warm and happy hugs to you!

Tammy said...

Yesterday was a quiet day around here. I wound up sleeping from 9 pm until 9 am this morning. Obviously my body just needed the rest and I didn't even eat any turkey. :) I really need to clean house before I can even think about decorating. But I like to clean in peace and quiet when no one is around and that never happens around here so I keep putting off the cleaning, but can't put it off anymore. Ugh! Have a great weekend. Best wishes, Tammy

Claus said...

I have started my Christmas decorating too!! Little bits each day after arriving home from work. The main days, however, will be Saturday and Sunday, when my mom and I will be in full decorating mode :o) Can't wait!
Happy decorating!!

mo said...

Hi Susan, Love the looks fantastic. I also love the little pink Christmas tree. It is adorable. *hugs*

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

I have been feeling like the little girl and her kitty a lot lately :)

Yes, away with autumn and out with the boxes and boxes of Christmas decorations. Exhausting but exciting at the same time.

diane stetson said...

Sleep, sleep, sleep, very deep, deep, deep,
No shopping for me you see or decorating any tree!

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