Friday, August 26, 2011

Mahogany TV Cabinet at Long Last!

       Today we are joining Show and Tell Friday at Cindy's My Romantic Home and  Diann's Thrifty Things Friday at The Thrifty Groove.

       For quite awhile now,  a tv cabinet with doors, to hide the tv when not in use, has been on my dreamy "wish" list.

      The cost of a nice quality piece like this can run into the hundreds and that is out of the realm of our budget's possibilities.

      While reading the daily newspaper's classified section, one of my very favorites in the entire paper, guess what I saw?  Yup, an ad for a mahogany tv cabinet with Queen Anne shaped legs. 

      When I called, there was no answer so I left a message. Later in the day, the lady who owned the cabinet returned my call.  It was still for sale, she said, and then added, "You were the only caller." Ya hoo.

      A dear friend, who is my partner in yard sale and thrift store finds, and her daughter, came with me to the house where the cabinet was for sale.   The piece was, indeed, quite beautiful, in terrific shape,  and horrendously heavy.

     The three of us, plus the man of the seller's house, got the cabinet down the steps and across a sidewalk and hoisted it into my friend's van. Once we got to my house, we had to repeat the operation.  That tv cabinet was one heck of a heavy haul but, with the help of a dolly, used for our garbage cans, we got it across the lawn, up the front brick steps (arduous), into the front hallway, and then, finally, into the living room.

     Talk about faithful friends, those two gals fit the description to a "t."

      Using turpentine, I removed the hideous silver paint that covered the brass hardware. I know, I know, in the modern decorating world, brass is supposed to be obsolete and passe. Who cares?  I still love brass and think it's rich looking and classy.

      Even my tv is the old-fashioned kind. The flat screens are nice but pretty expensive for me. Of course, if someone buys one for me, I'll switch tvs, but for now, my old clunker works just fine.

     Here's Honey Cat. Naturally, she had to check out the new cabinet.

      On top of the cabinet, I placed a crystal based lamp, topped with a pink satin, tasseled shade. Also put my favorite fringed piece of cranberry glass on a pink doily, at the suggestion of my friend. She's an interior decorating whiz so I do what she tells me.

      Tonight, my heart is filled with gratitude for the "new" cabinet, the good price of $100 that I paid for it, and two dear friends whose backs are probably in need of massages right about now.



Linda @ A La Carte said...

The cabinet is beautiful and the brass on it is just lovely. I can't imagine this piece with silver...ick! Wonderful friends to help you with this!

diane stetson said...

Beautiful Susan...great job!

deb said...

What a score! Silver? ick, brass yes!

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

I love silver, but there are some things that just look better with brass or goldtones and this would be that piece. What a great cabinet! So glad you were able to bring it home with the help of your faithful friends. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks; surround yourself with what you want and love. Have a great day! Tammy

Bookie said...

What a job to move this! But worth it as it is lovely...Enjoy!

Linda O'Connell said...

Beautiful piece of furniture. Wow! What a moving job that must have been.

Patti said...

Oh, it's gorgeous!! And I cannot believe the price. What a steal!!!

I love silver...but not necessarily silver paint. It's gotta be the real thing.


Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

What a beautiful piece!! And I adore the lampshade on the lamp that you have on top of this beauty!!
I love gold and brass!!
If you have a minute, come visit and you will see a mansion that is filled with gold and brass!!


Dianne said...

The cabinet is gorgeous! I like brass on old pieces and pieces that are supposed to look old... Love it on mid century modern pieces too... Silver metals look great in the right place (faucets and such), but if you are going for a classic look... brass is the way to go... just my 2 cents! Love those coppers too!

Chatty Crone said...

I love your new cabinet - gorgeous - what a great find - and you have some great great friends there. I don't have a flat screen either! Great find!

Mariette's Back to Basics said...

Dearest Susan,

You are right about the brass looking more classy on this dream of a cabinet. What a find! And the price is insane... You got really lucky. Also lucky for having such dear friends that did haul it home.
Enjoy it and have a great week ahead.

Love to you,


Diann said...

Susan, the cabinet is beautiful! And $100.00 is a nice price tag! I would have taken the silver off too. I have been wanting one of these cabinets for a long time as well. I keep looking for a thrifty one. Thank you for joining TTF and have a fun week!

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