Friday, August 26, 2011

Hurricane's A-Comin?

Yikes!  Everyone around Western Massachusetts is buzzing about Hurricane Irene.

The expression "batten down the hatches" has been said over and over again today.

While strolling through Walmart for the usual household supplies, there was an astounding number of people.

    "What's going on?" I thought, then realized, oh, Hurricane Irene. People were filling their shopping carts to the brim with emergency supplies.

    Savvy Walmart even had a special display area with supplies people might need during a hurricane, with candles being among them.

     Looking up at the absolutely gargantuan pine tree in our yard, I asked my husband if he thought wild hurricane winds could ever topple that tree onto our house.  He said if that happened,  the insurance would cover it and we could get another house! He's the perennial optimist.

    He's also been going around the house singing "Goodnight Irene."  That was one of my Dad's favorite songs.

     So what am I supposed to be doing tomorrow morning?  Well, believe it or not, I'm supposed to be joining a friend at a yard sale.  My car is stuffed to the top with junk and I plan to have an early rise.

    If it's raining upon getting up, we are canceling. Otherwise, the yard sale will go on.  Every time I think about it, I crack up.

    "Worried about the hurricane?  Awwww, come to our yard sale first."

    As for Hurricane Irene, just like the song, "Good night Irene, good night Irene, (hope)  I'll see you (only) in my dreams."



Chatty Crone said...

No I haven't ever been in a hurricane thank GOd. A tornado yes.

Be careful tomorrow Susan and hatch down. I hope and pray it will somehow avoid land.

And if you have a garage sale - good luck!

Bookie said...

Oh Golly, scary stuff! I am a believer in the wrath of Mother Nature after what I have seen this last cautious!!!!!!!

La Tea Dah said...

You keep safe now, ya hear, Susan! Fill that bathtub with water and have your candles in a central location so you can find it easily. And by all means, keep out of the way of the falling pine tree! :D I'll be praying for you! In the meantime, enjoy your yard sale and sell lots of stuff!

Rick Watson said...

Yep. Even though we live 5 hours from the Gulf od Mexico, when Hurricane Opal came through several years ago, it was still a hurricane. It blew our lights to Tennessee.
Make sure you have enough water in jugs to flush your toilet .

Donna Volkenannt said...

Stay safe. I have relatives in Western Mass--in Granby and Chicopee, so I'm praying all in your area will stay safe.

The Old Parsonage said...

Not one that I remember. Did you hear if this was a snow storm it would be over 7ft of snow!

Holy Mackerel!


middle child said...

Wishing you well and be safe! Oh. And make lots of money at your garage sale.

Linda O'Connell said...

Stay safe and have a great yard sale.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Living in Texas and Louisiana all my life, I certainly have had many occasions to be affected by hurricanes. I remember one in the mid-80's when I lived in Lafayette, LA but can't remember the name of it. Hubby and I weathered Hurricane Andrew together in 1992. We were living outside New Orleans at the time. He had never been through one before so when I was at work, and he was watching the news, he went out and bought everything that they recommended you have before the storm arrived. Turned out we had lots of flooding but no damage. I'm watching the news now that Irene has hit land in NC -- I'm sure flooding is going to be a problem many places, but I sure hope it will fizzle out and not cause so much damage. Wishing you all the best! Take care! Tammy

Kit said...

I hope it goes well for you guys today. Been watching the coverage on TV from way out here in the West and it looks nasty. I grew up in New Jersey so have gone thru a few myself. Take care! Kit

Anonymous said...

It looks a bit alarming down here on the news. Know that I am praying and thinking of you.
Hope all is well. Gotta love the optimist!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Everybody! So far so good. Nothing major happening, weather-wise.

I want to send out a warm welcome to Rick, from Life 101, this blog's 242nd Follower! Thanks for following, Rick. Hope you stop by often.

Sending warm thoughts to all. Sincerely, Susan

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Susan -

We're further inland but getting a lot of rain/wind. The worst is supposed to come through here tonight and tomorrow morning (Sunday). The coastal areas are having problems with flooding and power outages.

Yes, I've lived through three hurricanes. Gloria left us without power for two weeks. Not fun.

Stay safe. Hope your yard sale was a success. I like going to them, but don't enjoy having them. :)

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