Sunday, August 28, 2011

Yard Sale: One Person's Trash Becomes Another Person's (Treasure) or Trash!

Yesterday, while every television and radio show blasted warnings and news about Hurricane Irene, a friend of mine carried out her plan to have a yard sale. 

True to my word, I joined her in this lunacy.  Up at 7 a.m. on a Saturday morning, I downed a quick bowl of Special K with Berries mixed with maple nut granola and a sprinkle of whole pecans, plus a cup of strong coffee, and I was off.

First of all, additional junk had to be hauled to the car, which was already bursting at the seams with plastic storage bins, also filled with junk. 

Once at the yard sale venue, the bins had to be hauled out and onto the lawn. Then, long, very heavy folding tables had to be carried from the back yard to the front. That was no small task, especially the trips where I walked backwards. 

People began swarming the sale before everything was unpacked. Some nervy people dug into bags and bins with the unpacked merchandise.  It was a little freaky for me.  I felt like ringing a bell or something to signal the beginning of the sale, once
we finally got set up.
The funniest sale I made was of a set of shark's teeth. Not knowing what table to put them on, I opted for a Halloween decoration set up. A guy with tattooed arms really got a kick out of the shark's teeth and immediately bought them. I watched him smiling all the way to his car.

Things I thought would be a sure sell didn't and other things that really didn't seem that great, sold. Such is the uniqueness of human nature.

After lunch, with skies darkening and the air thick with humidity, we began packing up the leftover junk. More hauling of bins back to the car just about did me in.

By the time I got home, fatigue wracked every fiber of my being.  Muscles that I didn't even know were there began to ache.

After a long soak in the whirlpool, hot water soothing the screaming muscles, I felt a lot better.

Perhaps this is the last of  the yard sales for me.  Going to them is one thing, participating in them is another.  But I do have to say, they are fatiguing fun! 

True to form, before I left, I spent $10 of my meager earnings on things my  friend had for sale. And that is the nature of yard sales.



Martha's Favorites said...

Hello Woman: A yard sale before a Hurricane? You really have to be more careful. Did you spend all your earnings? That is what I usually do. I am suppose to be a part of one in Sept. I hate doing them, love going to them. My daughter talked me into this one. Here is hoping I come out ahead. Please be careful. Hugs, Martha

Linda @ A La Carte said...

How funny to have a yard sale before the Hurricane and that people were out there also. I haven't had a yard sale in years but do go to them. They are so much work and so I usually donate my stuff and buy more...CRAZY!

middle child said...

I have a garage sale once a year and every year I say I will never have another one.

diane stetson said...

Never had one and never will

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

I used to have a yard sale every year and then I took over running our church flea market so I just donate my things to the church now...
I do love going to them thouhgh!!

Rebecca said...

I'm very unintentional about garage sales. I don't intentionally go to them and I don't intentionally have them.

That looks like a Vera Bradley purse....If it is, I think I have one (thrifted, of course). I forgot about it until I saw it here. I wonder where I am hiding it???

Hope the worst of the storm doesn't make it near you.

Chatty Crone said...

Unfortunately they are a heck of a lot of work - I did my last one a couple of years ago. You don't make enough to what work you put in. Those early birds are the die hard garage sale shoppers!
Glad you had your spa!

Bookie said...

Yes, garage sales are a load of work, for pocket cahnge usually, but fun. Glad you got to have yours! When my friends and I have them, we usually just trade junk before it is over!

Linda O'Connell said...

Looks like a lot of work. My daughter and I did one a few years ago. Our patrons were 90% men, and we couldn't believe it. We ended up donating it to charity. But, I love going to yard sales! Check my blog for a writer's resource.

Kit said...

I used to have them, but between the work, the bossy customers and having to spend a whole day with folks pawing thru my stuff, I do not do them anymore. But I appreciate the ones who do! I love them. Kit

Susan said...

Our HOA states that we can not have yard sales! But I definitely go to yard sales. Love them!

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