Sunday, September 11, 2011

Peaceful Sunday

In the rush of our days, sometimes we forget to appreciate the intense beauty that surrounds us.

During a busy Saturday, it was easy to rush from one activity to another. Don't get me wrong. I had a great day with lots of fun but it was non-stop go, go, go.

On the way home,  I swung my car into a parking lot near a lake and stopped. A boat rumbled across the water, pulling some children on a kind of raft.

Clouds slowly danced across a blue sky and all the little waves and ripples in the water sparkled with sunlight.

Sometimes we just need to stop what we are doing, and "be" rather than "do."



Chatty Crone said...

Looks beautiful there today Susan. Out temps went back to near 90's and it was hot! sandie

Linda O'Connell said...

Slow down and smell the roses, comes to mind. We all live in such a rushing state of being. water has sucha calming affect, doesn't it?

Kansas Amy said...

Well said Susan! Let's take some time to just simply relax and take the world in.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

I do love the moments when I can just be. They don't come around often enough with back to school but I manage to find them in every day. :) Blessings to you and yours, Tammy

the⋆silver⋆of⋆His⋆fining said...

I say Amen to that, Susan! Love seeing your hills. None where I am. Did stop by the Lake today though for a peaceful moment or two. Joyce

Bookie said...

The water looks wonderfully inviting.
Madeleine L'Engle has a whole book built around just BEING...have you read her? Hard to just BE, but worth the practice!

diane stetson said...

I love to look at the sunsets, rain falling slowly down and the wind blowing a soft breeze. Today was a lovely Sunday where I live...just perfect for nature watching.

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