Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Rainbow-Making Angel

Some readers may remember the story of my special angel.

She sits on a windowsill in the kitchen and is pretty, but not drop dead gorgeous.That's until a ray of sunshine bolts through her big transparent decorations.

When the sun hits and gets reflected in the angel's "jewels," it creates rainbows. Lots and lots of rainbows. Sometimes when I come into the kitchen, there are rainbows everywhere----on the walls, ceiling, and floors.  Rainbows have also been found on my laptop, reminding me of my "angel" followers and readers.

She was almost lost completely when she split apart but hubs put some putty at her base to stick her together again. It's not elegant to see that putty but at least it kept the little angel from hitting the skids.

This little angel has even more significance than being a rainbow maker. She was a gift from a very dear and beloved friend in Arizona.The day I had to say goodbye to her, when moving cross country, I thought I was going to die from sorrow.

We have been in touch weekly ever since the move nine years ago. Stacks of greeting cards have also been exchanged between us.

Little angel, like our friendship, is strong and beautiful. She creates loveliness just by standing on the windowsill.



Kit said...

I have two very funky and unusual angels. Made out of cloth with twigs for wings. Love them. And they are always watching out for me. :) Hugs to a Kindred Spirit! Kit

Bookie said...

I have a tiny angel wind chime on my kitchen cabinet door. I bought it right right after my dad's death when I thought I would die of sorrow too. Every time I reach for a dish, I get a little tinkle I like to think is a hello from Heaven. Your own angel is a beauty!

diane stetson said...

I have a very beautiful gold and white angel that I usually took out at Christmas but now she stays out all year long.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

I used to collect angels but made myself stop and have only kept a few. I have rag doll angels that I got at craft fairs years ago and can't quite get rid of because they are handmade. What if you put a sprig of flowers around the base of your angel to hide her putty. :) Have a super Saturday. Tammy P.S. No, I do not speak French -- we managed, many places had at least one person who would speak English. I didn't have to ask questions in the embroidery shop -- just paid for my purchases, said Merci and was on my way. Hubby took 7 years of French in school but doesn't remember a thing. I took it in 5th grade in Louisiana. Cajun French of course. And my boys have taken it here in Middle School. But sadly, none of it stuck for any of us. :/

Linda O'Connell said...

I love it when a prism rainbow appears unexpectedly; it is a nod from heaven.

Changes in the wind said...

Your angel is very pretty but even more so since it was from such a special friend....thanks for stopping in and leaving a comment on my blog. I did read your post on stargazer and it is totally accurate.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I have a 'kitchen' angel that sits in my window and it was from my late stepmom! It reminds me of her love of cooking, her generous spirit and her great laugh!

Chatty Crone said...

A remember that feeling when a friend moves. ANd the prisms - I think about Pollyanna. Aren't they wonderful?


Rebecca said...

Your angel is beautiful, Susan! What a wonderful reminder of an amazing friendship.

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