Saturday, September 3, 2011

A Perfect Afternoon Pursuit: People-Watching

     One of life's pleasures is people-watching.

     Human beings are such fascinating beings.

     While waiting for a friend, recently, I sat in a wicker chair with old, comfy pillows, on the long, roomy porch of the The Red Lion Inn.  From this pleasant vantage point, I was able to watch all the tourists walking by. Most of the ladies had shopping bags. 

     If you are interested in seeing the Inn's Christmas gingerbread house, you can read about it here:


        When visiting a new place, who doesn't like to shop?  The town the Inn is located in, Stockbridge,  has some darling places to peruse. All those tourist dollars are also good for the town's economy. Sounds like a win/win situation to me.

     Looking up, I could see the American flag and the inn flag flying in the breeze against the leafy green canopy.

      Nearby, pink and fuchsia petunias spilled out of wicker planters.

The front brick pathway looked neat and clean, with flowers and green plants lining either side. 

      Nearby, in more wicker chairs, I heard a couple discussing restaurants. They were unsure where to dine. Being the not-so-shy wallflower, I turned around and told them about my first choice restaurant. (It's Cafe Adam in Great Barrington where I've never had a single bad experience. It's always been top notch with several pluses after the rating.)

      There was lots of picture snapping.  Looking out onto the busy street on this perfect sunny day, a van drove by without stopping. The passenger side window was down and a woman aimed her camera and just snapped photos.

      I couldn't help but wonder if they would come out blurry since the van never came to a stop. It just mosied right on by and snap,snap, snap, the lady took photos with her camera held far outside the car window.

     When my friend came, we opted to have lunch outside on the patio.  If desired, you can read about it here.

       It sure was fun getting a bird's eye view of the town from the front porch people-watching spot.



The Old Parsonage said...

What a lovely porch - lovely white wicker! And yes, I love to watch our neighbors - they are very interesting!


Anonymous said...

Not Anonymous! Hi Everybody. I have to sign in as Anonymous because I cannot do it through my Google account. I have no idea why. If anyone has a clue, let me know, will you?

Anyhow, warm welcome to Patti, this blog's 245th FOllower! She at Southwest Cottage Designs and has a delightful blog. Stop by often, Patti.

Hope each of you has a super Labor Day weekend! Take care, be safe, and have fun! Hugs to all. SUSAN

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I do like to people watch. That beautiful porch would be a favorite place to do that from! Have a great weekend Susan!!

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Hi Susan, sounds like you are having some wonderful end of summer moments, relishing the nice weather. It's funny you mention people watching because there was a whole lot of that going on in Paris. All the outdoor cafes have their tables and chairs set up so that all the customers are facing forward. That way they can people watch while they sip their drinks or coffee. It was quite interesting! Hope your weekend is a good one. I'm playing catch up now. best wishes, Tammy

Kit said...

What a great porch to sit on! Yes, I love to people watch. I find tho I hate going to the Mall I love to lunch there in a little cafe with tables in the center of the Mall and just watch the "parade". Have a great Labor Day weekend! Kit

Victorian1885 said...

I love to people watch.. and wish I could do it more often. That porch is the perfect spot! Have a good weekend.


From Beyond My Kitchen Window said...

Yes I do but it seems I haven't had much time to lately.

BECKY said...

What a gorgeous porch! White wicker furniture is my absolute favorite!

Chatty Crone said...

Now you are talking - that is one of my favorite hobbies ever - I love to people watch. Wondering what they are thinking . . .

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