Slices of life, both written and photographed.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Ballerina Still Dancing

You know how you buy some things that you love and then, eventually, you fall "out" of love with them?

 Perhaps it's just part of human nature.

Well, there's one little treasure purchased last year that's still a very favorite.  If you missed the original post on her, and would like to read it, it's here:

Have to chuckle that the post ran in January of last year. Little ballerina has changed locations.

She no longer resides in a bedroom.  Ballerina is in a downstairs room now where she can be seen every single day.

She is so charming in every detail, right down to tiny earrings.

The gracefulness of this little figure amazes. She's just so darned sweet and the epitome of loveliness, don't you think?

One day this week I captured her in the late afternoon sun and there was a shadow behind her.  She looked so stunning to me---so artistic.

Little ballerina just makes me smile. Don't really know why she is so mesmerizing but I'm glad she came home with me that day so long ago.



Susan J. Reinhardt said...

She's lovely! The artist captured the grace and fluid motion of a dancer.

Chatty Crone said...

You know what - I can picture that being you for some reason. You seem like that ballerina to me. You are graceful and I bet you love to dance. sandie

The Old Parsonage said...

I love the shadow that she casts too. It make her seem more "real."

Have a great night Susan.


Linda O'Connell said...

Susan, I too thought the shadows she cast was a part of the beauty.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Lovely photos of your sweet Ballerina! I have items around my house that make me happy but none that are a work of art...well maybe my glass blue birds. hugs, Linda

nannykim said...

She is so graceful and I love the delicacy and how the light plays on her form. I have something I will show tomorrow ;-)

BECKY said...

She is just gorgeous, and such great realistic. I have a couple of small things that make me happy to look at, but at the moment, can't think of any!

Anonymous said...

She is lovely Susan :-). I have an oil burner, where there's three colorful fairies that is holding the glass cup [where the water and oil goes]
Have a lovely day!


Sally Wessely said...

I love her! She IS lovely in every way. I'm glad you have her to enjoy.

Anonymous said...

What a charming ballerina! I can see why you are so "taken" with her. She certainly photographs beautifully from any position! Such
grace and balance!
I have a bronze Art Nouveau dragon-
fly lady, lifting her "wings" to the sky, that I bid on and won at an auction. She is one of my favorite small objects in my house!
Thank you for sharing yours. This is my first visit but I will be back

Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...

Such grace in that ballerina. She is beautiful, Susan.

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