Slices of life, both written and photographed.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Cobalt Blue Objects Look Appealing on the Kitchen Window Sills

Today we are joining Show and Tell Friday at Cindy's My Romantic Home and  Thrifty Things Friday at  Diann's blog, The Thrifty Groove.

Go on over to those blogs and check them out. You'll find such cool things you'll want to stay on the computer all day long!

 Some things never change but some things do!

For example, cobalt blue has never been a color used in our home decor.  There is almost nothing of any shade of blue around here because it was never a color that appealed to me.

However, when we remodeled our kitchen a couple of years back, we  painted the walls a pale, lemony color called "Morning Sunshine."

It seemed the newly painted walls and white cabinets called out for blue accents.

Then came the fun of finding some great cobalt blue vases and bottles, mostly at yard and estate sales. Pretty soon, there was a new collection!

Cobalt blue is  such a rich color, especially when placed in a window.

My very earliest remembrance of cobalt blue containers will definitely date me. ha ha!  My aunt used to sit at her kitchen table and scoop Noxema cream all over her face.

When we got sick, as kids, our Mother used to get out a small cobalt blue glass jar of Vicks Vaporub and rub us down with the medicinal smelling gloop.

Today, cobalt blue bottles, vases, and so forth definitely make me smile.

So after all the Christmas decor got put away, I hauled up some cobalt blue pieces from the cellar, washed them with soap and warm water, and put them on the upper kitchen window shelves. Also added some blue water glasses!

The cobalt blue items displayed look nice against the sky outside the window and the lacy valences above in the inside.



Linda @ A La Carte said...

I don't know if I can pick just one color of glass! I love the way the sun shines through glass and always have some in my windows and change it as I find new things to put there. I love the cobalt it is such a deep and rich color. Oh I used Noxzema most of my! Now it comes in a plastic jar of course. Anyway, love your cobalt and its perfect with yellow! hugs, Linda

Lady Linda said...

I love your blue glass! I used to have blue in my kitchen and still have all my dishes and fun pieces. I know I need to part with them, but....
I use red and green glass with my Christmas Spode and it's so pretty with candle light and silver. I also use the green glass for St. Pats.
Have pretty yellow goblets for Easter and golden glass for the fall.
Hummmm, I can't pick a favorite. A fun question.
Have a great week.

Kit said...

I love your blue bottles. Let's see, my fav color glass. I have to say in a window would be red. I collect little stained glass suncatchers and I love the way the light comes shining thru! Kit

Susan said...

Yeahhhhh! We have our 260th Follower---Kathe.

Her blog is Kathe with an E. She's in Denver, Colorado! Thanks for Following, Kathe.

And thanks to EVERYONE, Follower or not, for stopping by. Love all visits!

Hope everyone has a fabulous Friday! Hugs to all. Susan

diane stetson said...

I live in "earthquake" country so do not have any glass objects where they can fall over at all I do love the color blue though and have it throughout my house. Cobalt blue is my daughter's favorite glass . She has a collection of it as she lives in New England.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Definitely the blue for me. I love how they look in your window. I wish my windows could be that clean. Can barely see out of them and so difficult to clean because they are sliding windows and we are on the second floor. :/ Wishing you a wonderful weekend. Tammy

Eva Ason said...

Hi Susan,
I love those blue bottles in the window, blue is my fav color. So I think my fav colored glass should be blue.
Have a lovely Day!


Bookie said...

I forgot about the blue in your kitchen! These blues are beautiful and cobalt blue is one of my favorites. My windows are side sliders so mot many windwow places for bottles. One kitchen window allows me to set out about three, but I have a few on cupboard tops.

Debbie said...

The cobalt looks wonderful in your windows! I have a collection of Mason jars on the window sills. They remind me of the sea when the sun shines through them.

Shortbread and Ginger said...

They look great at the window with the light shining through them.
Fab idea!
Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

Susan said...

I have a collection of cobalt blue. I just stored mine again, I bring them out for awhile, get tired of them and then store them again. But I will never get rid of them completely.

Chatty Crone said...

My very favorite color and I am not just saying it - I love the cobalt blue. There is nothing prettier. sandie

nannykim said...

I used those kinds of bottles when I was living at my spindle cottage. Now that we have moved, I rarely use them. But I do love them and they look nice in the windows, don't they!

Diann said...

I love all your blue glass! I really like all colored glass but, I think blue is by far my favorite. And these look wonderful!Thank you for joining TTF last week! I hope you have a great day!

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