Thursday, November 8, 2012

Nothing But Blue Skies.....

Now that the clocks are turned back an hour and the sweet extra sleep is history, we all know what's right around the corner. 

Yup. Winter.

Probably one of the hardest parts to accept about winter are days on end of gray skies.

But they're not here yet!  So I'm enjoying the blue skies when they come out!

There's something so intensely magnificent about a blue sky.  When it's accompanied by fluffy marshmallow clouds, it's even more special.

So if there are clouds where you are today, look up at them. 

 See what shapes you can find. 

Throw a few kisses to the wind and enjoy the blue skies!

  Pretty soon they'll be gone but not forgotten.



  1. Beautiful skies! Amazing color! Much brighter than what we had today. Just took the dog out before bed and have a covering of snow.

  2. Hi Everybody!

    Welcome to Julie from Belle Vivir this blog's 32nd Follower. Thanks so much for following, Julie! I am following you now, too!

    Hope you all have a wonderful day today!

    Hugs to all. Susan

  3. Oh, my! I see beauty all around me in every day! Sometimes I even rather enjoy that cloudy, gray sky day, using it as an excuse to enjoy an extra cup of tea with an extra time to read a good book! Also, I don't have to worry about the sun getting in my eyes when I am driving.:)

    Have an extra special Thursday, Susan!

    xo Nellie

  4. Gonna be nice here today...but then rain and cold begin to move, hoo.

  5. You know, those cloudy, gray days don't bother me either! I guess Nellie and I inherited some of those same characteristics! In fact, I make a special effort to wear bright, cheery colors when I'm going out on such a day, just to cheer up other people who seem to have a frown on their faces. I think it's mainly how a person decides to spend his/her time, whether being grateful for things as good as they are or being sad that things are not better. I choose an attitude of gratitude! :-) Have a marvelous day, Susan!

  6. We have sunny skies MOST of the year here where I live and that is the reason I LOVE it here. Today there are raindrops and we really need it so I'm still chipper when it rains. Enjoy the sunny skies where you live as winter is coming glad I don't have it.

  7. We are truly blessed to live in a state that has only 20 percent grey sky days and the storms move in quickly and walla, blue sky.

  8. Beautiful blue skies~I try to stay happy no matter the weather. Some days are curl up with a book days though. Hugs, Linda

  9. We don't get gray skies often. And thankfully we haven't had dusty skies for awhile. I much prefer bright blue, but ever once in awhile, I gray sky makes for a cozy pajama day. Of course, I have those kinds of days no matter the weather. :) Best wishes, Tammy

  10. Very deep blue sky's with big puffy clouds...Sigh♥

  11. You've once again, said it very nicely...don't take anything for granted and enjoy the day that is before you. May blue skies be always a part of your life, XOXO

  12. I have to say those were gorgeous blue skies all right - I thought you might be having snow! sandie

  13. I love winter blue skies. We've got a bright sunny day after a few snowy ones, so it's bright and beautiful. I always love the blue and white combo.

    Your photos are lovely!
