Sunday, March 17, 2013

Thankful To Be Able To Drive

Another Sunday today brings us closer to snow less days, Easter, spring and flowers!

 For sure, I will be thankful for all of those things. 

Today, however, I'm going to be very thankful for my car and also for being able to drive.

Can you imagine how hard it must be for people who don't drive?

Just going to get the groceries must be a chore, always having to find someone to provide transportation.

I'm sooooo grateful to be able to just walk out the front door to the driveway, get into my car and drive wherever I want.

  (After a snowstorm, of course, the car has to be cleaned off first.)

Joining Gratitude Sunday party over at Linda's blog, A La Carte. 



  1. Oh Susan when I see this I feel you live in another world from me.

    I think you get a lot more snow then most - but it is pretty.

    Let's see I driving gives me a sense of freedom. Can you imagine my mother in law never learned to drive. She always depended on Ernie. She could just never pick up and go.

    Love, sandie

  2. My mother-in-law didn't drive and she was always dependent on someone to take her anywhere. I can't imagine either not having a license or a car living in a rural area, but I have to say, I do like walking when I'm in the city. Happy St. Patrick's Day dear friend, XOXO

  3. I too am so thankful for my car and the ability to drive when I need too. Thanks for joining Gratitude Sunday!
    hugs, Linda

  4. I just love the feel of driving, to be able to go where ever I want. It gives me freedom. I love road trips. The loading of the car with snacks and drinks, my tunes and usually my girls or my hubby. But sometimes I head out alone and I love those times too. :) Kit

  5. My mom never learned to drive. She has either taken the bus, walked or relied on others. I could never, ever do that. When I've not had a car for some reason or another, and have had to wait for someone else, I was not a happy camper. Driving in this country is hell -- like this morning, I couldn't even get out of my area because of traffic jams likely because of an accident on the highway. After 45 minutes, the boys and I came back home for 20 minutes, then headed out again and got to school 35 minutes later at 8:40 a.m. They missed their first class of the day but were right on time for second period. I hate days like that. But I could not survive if I couldn't drive. :) Wishing you a great day. Tammy

  6. I guess we take this for granted ! My SIL is in a wheelchair and has a special device to drive. It is quite a deal and he is amazing! He loves to drive as it puts him back on the level of everyone else. He is so young andost of the time has such a great attitude!

  7. Been warm enough for open doors these last two days...this morning hail, rain, and frosty temps again. Yuck. But yes, soon...spring will come to stay...a while anyway...

  8. I'm extremely grateful for living in a climate where I NEVER have to clean off snow from my car..ha ha ha. Yes I am grateful that I can still drive!

  9. Hello from Spain: I drive but actually do not like much. I prefer to go by public transport or my husband drive the car. I'm more relaxed. I hate the car park .. In my city never snows but it rains a lot and there are a lot of fog. Keep in touch

  10. I drive..all my driving years I hate merging onto the highway the most..and every year it seems like traffic is getting worse..we have another 6-12" of snow coming our way this Monday evening into all day Tuesday, I might just leave my car from winter hazards.I can't wait for this winter to sca`daddle!

  11. Oh Susan!! So much snow --- still? It should be less and less!!

  12. Love driving and adore the independence it gives me. I like the option of taking scenic routes, whereas public transp. doesn't usually do that. No snow here- temps in the 80's. It looks scenic but scary to drive on slippery roads, eh?
    Visiting from Gratitude Sundays :)

  13. I grew up in a time when many women did not drive, and my mother was one of those. She always had to rely on others to take her to the store, doctor's appointments, etc., and I was happy to help her out when the need was there. I LOVE to drive, and got into the habit of being the primary driver when my hubby was working night shift and we had to visit his parents in another city each Saturday. These days, it makes me nervous to be the passenger! Now, I may make some other folks nervous, but so far, nobody has passed out when I'm behind the wheel! Have a wonderful afternoon, Susan! :-)

  14. I would be lost without my car, however, that wouldn't stop me from going :)

  15. Oh, yes! I drive! I appreciate the independence it gives me. It will be very difficult for me if I ever reach the point that I am unable to drive myself to do what needs to be done.

  16. I am lovin' these snow pictures, Susan. Yes, isn't it nice to be able to drive? One of the things I like about driving is I can listen to music along the way. It brightens my day.
