Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Welcome to Katerina, Katya and Irina, "Motherly Russian" Dolls

Knowing I am drawn to Russian nesting dolls, my life-long, high school girlfriend, Patti, bought three of them, among many other beautiful gifts, for my birthday.

(Here's another post I did on this type of doll when I visited Boston. You can read it here if you are interested.)

The new girls are named Katerina, Katya and Irina.

They are very small, with  the largest no more than two inches.

They will be added to the Polish-Ukrainian-Russian shelves in the living room curio cabinet.

You can read more about that transformation here: http://writingstraightfromtheheart.blogspot.com/2013/09/copy-cat-curio.html

I hope the other dolls will make them feel welcome, or, as they would say in Russia,  "Dobro požalovat."



Chatty Crone said...

You know we have been friends for a long time - because I remember actually reading those blogs when you first posted them!!

I know you love them.

I know too you have mighty nice friend to give you what you love on your birthday.

They are precious@


Martha's Favorites said...

Hi: I love nesting dolls. I have a few myself, I will have to share. I always look forward to hearing from you. You make the week start out just right. Thank you for singing to me today. I could hear your beautiful voice as you sung. Hugs, Martha

Hindustanka said...

Hi, Susan! I am Russian :) So obviously I have heard about Russian dolls! And they are adorable :) Though I don't own even one!Shame, I know. I was thinking of crocheting one, let's see.
Nesting dolls is one of the most peculiar things you can find in Russian, they sell them everywhere, and they sometimes cost a lot!In Moscow you can go to Arbat street, and there will be a variety of Russian dolls in the shops.

Unknown said...

Hello from Spain: I also collect Russian dolls. I like a lot. In my country say that these dolls bring luck and wealth. Keep in touch

Linda O'Connell said...

Those little beauties are unique.

diane.stetson said...

I have a set of those that I bought when I visited in Poland...they are so cute. Even my grandchildren who are BOYS love to take them apart.

Ruth Kelly said...

My daughter gave me a set of Russian nesting dolls one year and now, they are perfect for a toddler toy and even my older grandkids still like to play with them. I actually have a small Polish nesting doll set as well but I have lost the itty bitty one - it sits on my Polish shelf.

Ceil said...

Hi Susan! What precious little dolls!

I was just in St. Petersburg this summer, and nesting dolls were everywhere. All different kinds, even football teams from the states! It was wild.

Such fun for kids, and for adults too :)
Happy Birthday to you! (belated)

Jen Beaudet Zondervan said...

These are adorable! My mom had one of those when I was a child. I loved the little tiny one in the middle! Happy birthday Susan!


Gina @ VictorianWannaBe said...

Those are so cute Susan!

Karen Lange said...

Happy belated Birthday! Hope you had a good day. :) These dolls are so cute. I haven't heard much about them other than where they originated. I think they are interesting.

Have a great week!

Linda said...

Hi Susan, they are delightful!!! I just love your header collage...it is so warm and beautiful.

Dee said...

I was always amazed by them as a little girl...I do not know the history of them.

Susan said...

A warm welcome to Starry Dawn, this blog's 377th Follower!

Thanks so much for following!

Here are the links to her blogs:

The Existence of Our Natural Environment."
"Artistic Expression Art Studio by Starry."
"Journeys and Journals."
"La Rosa en el Viento."
"Sissy, The Maiden at Dawn."

Hope everyone's having a good week so far! Hugs to all, Susan

Nellie said...

What precious nesting dolls!

I have nesting Santas that I will display at Christmas time. The grandchildren always like to see them.

Suzan said...

are the nesting dolls made out of glass? They are lovely Susan!!

Joyful said...

They are so cute. I've always been fascinated by these little dolls.

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