Thursday, July 31, 2014


The ability to see bright colors is one of life's special gifts.

Can you imagine what it would be like if everything around us was gray?

Recently I went to a children's playground that was splashed with color.

Whoever designed it should get a medal. It was great.

I love sizzling colors in glassware, clothing, and household objects, too.

Life can be challenging so color it bright!



Decor To Adore said...

Oh I love color and there is a lot of color in my home.

Love that playground.

Hope you are enjoying the summer!

Anonymous said...

I am especially thankful for the gift of sight, as my late mother lost her sight at age 26. I spend many hours at my desk by the window watching the colorful birds and butterflies. I saw my very first Scarlet Tanager bird a few weeks back - the brightest and most gorgeous bird ever!

diane.stetson said...

A beautiful painting of roses that my friend gave me years ago hangs in my den. It is so colorful. I have a playground down the street from me that is quite colorful too. Love the one you took pics of.

Red Rose Alley said...

I love color and surround myself in it often. Whenever I see all the colors in a rainbow, my heart sings. I think I would have to say that the color that pops out most in my home is the RED in my kitchen. I love splashes of red in the kitchen.

These are cool pictures of the park.


Unknown said...

Hello from Spain: my favorite color is red. In my house colors are soft. The room of my youngest daughter's pink and violet. Keep in touch

Merlesworld said...

That is a pretty great playground, kids wold love it

marianne said...

I guess the red geraniums would be the bright spot, altho I have some purple flowers that are very colorful also.

Great playground; what fun for your grandaughter and you!

Chatty Crone said...

I am a color freak or fanatic! Everything my grandson makes has color!!!! I have a bottle tree outside and it has bottles of all colors!

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