Sunday, July 13, 2014

Each Moment Is a Gift

As I write this, my friend's cousin is in his last hours of life.

Just in his mid-50s, he was stricken with prostate cancer two years ago.

It spread to his bones.

He struggled so hard to live these past two years.

He did everything the doctors suggested.  

He endured radiation and then began chemotherapy that made him horribly ill and weak.

Despite fighting mightily, he's losing the battle and the end of his life is apparently near.

Last night I went to the nursing home to see him and say my goodbyes.  I brought a small bouquet of white roses in a pretty cup.

Before I left, we said a prayer and I asked God to surround him with angels and bring him peace.

The only consolation in such sad moments is that this dear person's intense physical agony will soon be over.

My heart is so sad for my friend who did a stellar job of being her cousin's caretaker and that is not an easy job.

If you have read down this far into the post, I ask you to savor each moment of life today and every day.

It truly is a gift that is given to us and we never know how much time we have left on earth.

To  my friend's cousin, I say "Godspeed and bless you throughout eternity."



Anonymous said...

I hate cancer! It has taken away so many people I've known and loved.

My deepest condolences to your friend as she prepares for this loss. May God comfort her in her grief.


diane.stetson said...

I think the best way to comfort the person that has had such a loss is to be there for them in any way that you can. I'm so sorry for your friend's cousin...but he will be in a much better place.

Linda O'Connell said...

Susan your words and actions are to be cherished. Life is indeed precious. My heartfelt sympathy. I've been down this road so many times, and it never gets easier.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

It is so hard to say goodbye but it's a gift to be able to tell someone you love them one last time. Praying for your family. I am grateful for each day God gives me.

Chatty Crone said...

I am so sorry about your dear friend. I hope the Lord takes him quick that he doesn't have to suffer anymore.

Cry with your friend - it's okay.

SImple and Serene Living said...

My heart goes out to your dear friend. This is such an important message. We do need to savor each and every moment. sweet friend. xo Laura

Anonymous said...

So very sad. May God be merciful to your friend's cousin. Caretaking is so very stressful. I know your friend is thankful to have your support and love at this time. She will need you now and down the road, after the reality sets in. God bless you all.

Susan said...

My heart goes out to you; my dad died of prostate cancer and it is horrible and painful. May your friend, as well as his family and friends, find peace when his time comes, XOXO

Rebecca said...

It's so very hard, isn't it? It sounds like you were a very sensitive and compassionate visitor & friend.

Valerie said...

Dear Susan,
I'm so sorry. My husband who is 45 was diagnosed with prostate cancer last year. It was and still is a frightening experience. Thankfully, my husbands treatments seem to have worked. You are right...we need to appreciate each moment...because we never know when it might be our last. Sending heartfelt hugs your way. Blessings, Valerie

Red Rose Alley said...

This is such a special post for the dear person that you lost. And what better way to show your love than through the clouds of God's amazing sky? Thank you for the gentle reminder that life is such a precious gift and to savor it.


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