Wednesday, March 25, 2015

"Tale" of the Missing Bunny

On the table in the front hallway, there are numerous bunny "cousins" congregating for Easter.

One is quite small. 

He has beady eyes and a fluffy tail and is shown in this post.

Every time our granddaughter, just two and a half years old, comes over, the small bunny
"disappears" from the table!

She is able to reach up and just grab the little fellow. 

Apparently that's her favorite bunny because she doesn't take any of the others.

I've found little bunny hop hop in the kitchen, hallway, bathroom and living room.

There's no telling where his travels will take him on the next visit from the little darling grand baby.

Oh! Forgot. I cannot call her "baby" anymore. 

 She corrects me by saying, "I a big girl now!"


                                                                                      THE END!



Babs said...

I am glad "bunny" stays in your house. He looks like he would fit in a picket. I would not mind a cuddle with that furry fella myself!!!!

diane.stetson said...

I have only one stuffed bunny and he is now living on my dining room table!

Red Rose Alley said...

What a sweet story about the bunny and your grand baby. Kids always have their favorite toys and dolls, and it sounds like this one is hers while she's at grandma's house. :~)

Have a nice Wednesday afternoon, Susan.


Red Rose Alley said...

Oh Yes, I decorate with bunnies AND chicks at Easter time. :~)

Unknown said...

Hello from Spain: I buy chocolate rabbits and ornamental my kitchen. Your photos are lovely. Keep in touch

marianne said...

I do like to decorate with bunnies at this time of year, but we have a bunny "thief" at our house. Her name is Lexi and she is our almost 2 year old chocolate lab retriever. I guess she thinks she is "retrieving" them. Thing is she chews them up! So, all the bunnies are up on a high perch this year.

Your little bunny looks to be a perfect size for little grandaughter. I'm sure she has a great time when she visits you.

Chatty Crone said...

It is so sad when they say they are no longer a baby that they are a big girl - cute and sad. lol

Linda O'Connell said...

Those baby dolls grow up all too soon. She will always remember bunny hop hop.

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