Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Remember the Children


                                                            (Wooden Easter eggs, handpainted in Poland.)

Easter Sunday will be here in just a few days.

There are church services to attend this week as we remember the suffering and death of Christ. 

There is Easter dinner to plan and baskets for the children to prepare.

Amid the week's flurry of activity, my heart goes out to children throughout the world who will have no Easter celebration, particularly kids who live in war zones.

A newspaper photo of a tiny four-year-old Syrian child holding her hands up in the air as a photographer aimed his camera at her just about broke my heart. 

Apparently, she thought the camera was a weapon.

I looked into the face of that little child in the photograph and saw raw fear.

This Easter week, remember the children. 



Red Rose Alley said...

That makes me sad to hear this, Susan. Children are very special people. They should be protected and especially loved.

Your eggs from Poland are beautiful. Did you know that I was part Polish myself on my dad's side?

Have a beautiful day.


primrosesattic said...

Oh how sad about that little girl.
It is so terrible they are living amongst this.
Susan your eggs are si colourful.

diane.stetson said...

Our own children and grandchildren should be so grateful that they have plenty to eat and are so well cared for compared to those darling babies in worn torn countries. My heart goes out to them.

Unknown said...

Hello from Spain: I saw the picture with the girl. Poor children in war. I pray for the world's children. Keep in touch

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Good message and great "stop and really think" moment Susan.

Have a very blessed Easter. xoxo

(PS: I have painted eggs I brought back from my trip to Poland over a decade ago & still love them!!)

Chatty Crone said...

YES! It hurts my soul. What a sad story. I did not hear it.

Love your eggs.

janice15 said...

Your eggs from Poland are beautiful.. The children of the World indeed need great protection.. It also saddens my heart that so many children suffer under the worlds wrongs.. Happy Spring Susan with love Janice

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Susan,
Oh! Your story about children really breaks my heart...
I visit you this day to wish you
HAPPY EASTER with your dear family
and beloved ones, Susan!
Thank you for your kind thoughts!
Easter Greetings from Starry.

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