Throughout most of life, and there have been many decades, money was usually short.
We always worked extremely hard but it was at human services jobs that didn't pay much.
Consequently, we are not among people who have a lot of money to spend on whatever we want.
Money has always been stretched to the max.
We got pretty darned good at stretching, too, and I consider myself a thrift store queen!
Despite not being wealthy in a material sense, we are rich in so many ways that I couldn't possibly count them.
The other day, during a visit, my little granddaughter fell asleep clasping Gammie's fingers.
To me, that was worth more than all the money in the world!
My Children and Grandchildren without doubt!
A precious moment, indeed. How sweet to capture it with a photo.
A powerful and sweet moment.
Our children and grands, yes, treasures without measure.
What a darling photo.
My three grandsons...yes they are a big big treasure!
I have no grandchildren, hoping for some but none yet.
That was indeed powerful Susan - and again I'd agree with the other grandma's - our grandchildren...
Oh Susan, I can so relate to your post. Spending time with my great grandson is a gift beyond measure. We are blessed, aren't we?
Priceless.the feeling when that happens almost makes your heart stop.
Is anyone having trouble leaving comments on my blog? Please let me know. Thanks. Susan
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