Saturday, March 19, 2016

Holy Week Begins

 (Polish wooden, hand-painted Easter eggs in a glass dish make a colorful display on the kitchen table.)

These next several days comprise Holy Week for Christians.

It's probably one of the most meaningful weeks of the church year.

It commemorates Jesus Christ's passion and crucifixion.

It's a tragic week yet hopeful, too, because we know there is a glorious outcome.

On Easter Sunday, we remember that He rose from the dead, giving hope to this world.

There are several church services to attend this week.  

It is good to remember the immense sacrifice Christ made for His children. He gave up his life in order for us to live.



Kit said...

I get all bunnies about me, and plan our Easter dinner and Easter baskets. Tomorrow I will do my egg tree and do a little shopping. :) Have a lovely week. Kit

Bookie said...

Such beautiful eggs!!! I used to prepare with lots of church but not so much these days. I miss what used to be.

janice15 said...

Lovely eggs Susan.. I attend a special evening in memorance of him with love Janice

Sandi said...

"It's a tragic week yet hopeful, too, because we know there is a glorious outcome."

This is the profound story of Easter. Look for the glorious. I wonder how they felt, his friends and his mother. How in world did they cope? Did they really comprehend what was happening?

diane.stetson said...

I spend most of the week in church singing for the many services we are having. Church gives me a sense of peace and love and I enjoy going very much.

Chatty Crone said...

The minister said the same things this morning!

I think of it that the saddest of sads turned out to be our joyest of all joys!

Red Rose Alley said...

Your Polish eggs are beautiful, Susan. Have you showed them before? Yes, this is such a special week. I went to mass Saturday for the Palm Sunday. It was very nice with all the palms.

love, ~Sheri

Stephanie said...

Such a precious post, my friend. On Easter we always enjoy a SONrise service at 6:30 in the morning up on the mountain. It's such a beautiful way to start the day :)

Have a blessed week! Hugs!

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