Sunday, May 8, 2016

Remembering Little Ones Who Made Me a "Mother"

Happy Mother's Day to mothers everywhere!

 The most emotion-filled moments of my entire life were those when I became a mother----first, to a darling little boy and then, almost four years later, to a beautiful little girl.

Both babies were wanted and invited, with hearts filled with love, into this world. 

Hubs and I  loved them from the moments when they were just mere thoughts.

With each baby, I held their little fingers and pressed them to my lips.  

I'd kiss their peach fuzz heads and nuzzle them close to me, all the while thanking God for the privilege of being their mother.

When they looked intently into my eyes, love, like I had never known before, flooded my heart.

They were such miracles-----such incredible gifts from God.

They had perfectly formed tiny fingers and toes, sweet little ears, and beautifully shaped lips. I know because I traced them all a million times or more on each baby.

Rarely did they cry because I never let them.  One whimper and they were in my arms, day or night.

Those sweet babies, so fresh from the hand of God, filled my life with immense love.

We never had much money but to us,  our son and daughter were worth more than all the money in the world. 

It's a mindset we've never regretted, to this day.

We relished watching them grow----first smiles, first precarious steps, first hugs and kisses for Mama. All of it was beyond amazing.

I remember how excited my baby daughter was to discover a spider in a web on a bush in our backyard.

You'd think there was a sparkling diamond there. As her eyes fixated on the spider, she bounced in my arms like a bag of jumping beans.

Our little son used to love to explore everything in sight, right down to minor details.

 He loved taking things apart and then putting them back together again.

Both kids are all grown up now and have children of their own, our beloved grandchildren.

Someone asked me, if I could live one day of my life over again, what would it be?

It took me one second to answer.  I'd pick one day of my children's childhood where I could spend just a few more precious moments with my little ones.

We would laugh and sing, hug and have fun discovering the world.

 The years just fled by at breakneck speed.

 Those treasured moments of spending time with my little son and adorable daughter are gone forever.

The babies grew into toddlers, then elementary and middle school aged kids, then high school aged, young adults and, finally, all grown up. 

Alas, those crazy, exhaustion filled days  of raising little ones are gone now but the memories burn warm and alive in in my heart.

It is so gratifying to see the good people those babies have become as well as to see what loving, wonderful parents they are to their own babes.

Remembering very precious childhood days, as well as loving my son and daughter, their spouses, and my four sweet grandbabies, is what Mother's Day is all about.



Chatty Crone said...

I don't know which day I would live over again - but I know you are a wonderful mother! Happy Mother's Day!

marianne said...

That's a hard question..... I've had so many wonderful moments and am grateful for them all.

Loved your post; Happy Mother's Day to you!

Bookie said...

Quite a lovely post today. I hope you enjoyed your Mother's Day. Miss my babies too but always seemed so busy when they were little. We have to grow older to realize the escaping prize that time is and what really matters!

diane.stetson said...

Oh great post Susan...I can't think of just one day...all were good for me and I was a single Mom for many many years.

Red Rose Alley said...

What a beautiful story about your motherhood, Susan. I hope you had the best day ever.

love, ~Sheri


Wonderful memories you have of your little ones. HAPPY Mother's Day.

Barbara Neubeck said...

.. Hello Susan... happy Mother's day to you.
.. I have so many days in my life I would like to visit again... my children's Christening days.. their wedding days.... all special... I love the fact that my children's children are adults making their own lives and memories.. fabulous...
I love all your Spring flowers... my Hyacinths are coming up now,and we are getting some really COLD Autumn days here ... we are thinking of fires and heaters..
Enjoy your Spring.. hugs... Barb xxxx

Donna Volkenannt said...

What a lovely and thoughtful post. Children are a wonderful gift.

Victoria Marie Lees said...

This is beautiful. You are certainly blessed, my dear. If I could replay one day, it would definitely be one of my many treasured days with my five beautiful children, running, jumping, enjoying each other's company on one of our many camping adventures. This is a beautiful blog. I'll join. All the best to you.

Linda O'Connell said...

"Rarely did they cry, because I didn't let them." That line made me sigh. Motherhood while it has it's sorrows, is filled with joy. Now as Grammies, we get to do it allover again. Isn't it wonderful?

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

I do miss my guys as little boys. Especially the age when they first become aware of their surroundings and start to realize they have a voice. And then the toddler years, after they start walking, and everything around them seems amazing. Now my youngest is graduating high school and we will be taking him to college this summer. Oh my!

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