Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Il Divo in Person Is a Thrill of a Lifetime

Life holds all kinds of promises.

This past weekend, I was blessed to experience one of life's best!

One of my favorite musical groups of all time is Il Divo. 

Each of the singers in this marvelous foursome is incredibly talented.

I've been listening to them sing for several years and have some of their cherished cds.

Can you imagine how thrilling it was to receive news that I was going to see them in person?

Last spring, for Mother's Day, my daughter gave me two tickets to a live performance of Il Divo at the exquisite Palace Theatre in Albany, New York.

The show was titled "Amor & Pasion." (Love and Passion!)

The performance was this past weekend.

To say it was an unforgettable experience is an understatement.

It made me weep for the joy of it all.

Just to acknowledge the immense gift of having eyes with which to see them and ears to hear their marvelous voices was enough to squeeze the heart.

Being in the opulent theatre was a treat in itself but to see the performers I've loved for so long was beyond amazing.

The entire show was spectacular.

I couldn't wait to share it with you, my beloved blog peeps, and secretly wished you could have come with me in person.

You can find lots of Il Divo performances on YouTube. 

(I love YouTube, don't you? It's so wonderful to have an entire world at one's fingertips! Thank you, YouTube.)

 Here is one, from YouTube, of a song they sang on Saturday:


In an upcoming blog post, you will come with me inside the Palace Theatre in Albany, N.Y. so, if interested, stay tuned.



BECKY said...

Oh, Susan! What an amazing gift from your daughter! And yes, I know and LOVE Il Divo, too...although I hadn't thought of them in a while. I'm just thrilled for you that you were able to see and HEAR them in person!!

Terri Tiffany said...

It made me smile to read this and see your joy shoot through the computer. SO glad you could have this opportunity!

diane.stetson said...

I am so happy for you that you got to see a performance by this amazing foursome. I'm sure it was a thrill for you. I've only seen them on tv and have always loved them.

Bookie said...

Oh how lucky you are!!!!!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I am so happy for you. I would love to see them live, they are amazing!

Merlesworld said...

No not really I have heard of them , glad you enjoyed the concert.

Chatty Crone said...

You are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo lucky - what a stage they have there.

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

I hope to see them in person one day too - they are just marvelous...and you are right each one on their own and then a foursome!

Susan said...

A very warm welcome to Carrie, this blog's newest follower. Thanks for following, Carrie. We will love having you come to visit.

Hugs to all. Susan

Linda O'Connell said...

Susan, I can feel your excitement. My daughter surprised me with concert tickets for my birthday one year. What a delight!

Barbara Neubeck said...

.. so happy you enjoyed this wonderful gift from your daughter, Susan..... I think Il Divo are fabulous... Barb xxxx

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