Friday, September 21, 2018

A Leafy Welcome

One of my favorite pieces of porch decor is a little wooden lantern.

My dear friend, Patti, found it with her late cousin, John, at a yard sale.

Somebody, somewhere, made this sweet lantern and its stand.
It is usually festooned for whatever the current season is.

Right now, it's draped with colorful fall faux leaves.

The little light it sheds, starting at dusk, illuminates the night.

It shines through fog, snow storms, and blinding rain as well as when the weather is nice.

Brave little lantern!



Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

What a sweet and brave lantern. Decked in her autumn wardrobe, she's going to add warmth and cheer to your days.

What helps me shine in dark times?

Around my house: Lamps in the window, twinkle lights on the mantelpiece, a photo of a lamp shining on a desk on my computer desktop.

For my soul: Beautiful photos of flowers, kitties, gardens; kind words; words that remind me that beauty and goodness exist in the world around us.

For my spirit: Jesus's promise that He will never leave nor forsake those who trust him.

Happy weekend, Susan!
Bren xox

diane stetson said...

Love the little lantern. My Faith helps me shine in dark times...prayer and talking to the Lord.

Red Rose Alley said...

Your lantern looks welcoming on your porch, Susan. And you decked it out for Fall, how nice. I notice there is a plug - does the light stay on through all the fierce weather conditions? It really is charming, Susan.

Have a restful weekend.


Chatty Crone said...

I have these tea lights - and I have five of them going at all times. They are the battery run ones. Not too expensive but expensive when you run five all the time.
However when i keep them lit - I always feel a flame of hope is there. sandie

Linda O'Connell said...

I like your fall decorated lantern. I used to burn candles; now I use the battery tea lights.


what a charming lantern.

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Such a charming lantern.....

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