Thursday, September 20, 2018

Fall-Themed Tablecloths

One of the pleasures of having a home or apartment is to make it a place of beauty, peace, and love.

Decorating for every season helps in the beauty department.

Now that the air is cooler, and the calendar pages are edging toward October, many people have started to decorate for fall.

Is having an obsession ever a good thing? (Please say yes.)  One of my own is to decorate for each season.

Right now, the fall tablecloths have been taken from a special plastic bin.

It's great having several different autumn-themed tablecloths. That way, if one gets dirty, you just pop it into the wash, pull out a clean one, and spread it over the table.

There are several sets of place-mats for fall, too, to go onto whatever cloth is on the table.

This pretty embroidered one was a gift from my daughter, who knows I love anything embroidered.

September is my birthday month so I celebrate just about every day.  Why not?  Life goes by in a heartbeat, right?

 Today just happens to be my birthday. The leaf-and-pumpkin-covered cloth on the kitchen table makes me smile.



Red Rose Alley said...

Happy Birthday, dear Susan! September is a great month to have a birthday. The embroidered table cloth your daughter gave you is pretty. So much work goes into embroidering. And I love all your amber glass on the window sill. It's perfect for Autumn. I hope your day is filled with all the things you love, Susan.


Connie said...

I'm happy to see that you are enjoying the season. That table cloth that your daughter gave you is stunning, I love embroidery, too :)
Keep Smiling!
Connie :)

diane stetson said...

Happy Birthday to you. You are a wonderful decorator for whatever season there is. Love your tablecloths. Have a great Birthday month.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

I'm so glad to hear that you celebrate your birthday every day of your birth month. I like to do that too. A very happy birthday to you, dear Susan. May it be the start of a wonderful new year ahead!

Brenda xox

Chatty Crone said...

Happy Birthday Susan.
Happy Birthday Susan.
Happy Birthday Susan.
Happy Birthday Susan.
Happy Birthday Susan.
Happy Birthday Susan.
Happy Birthday Susan.
Happy Birthday Susan.
Happy Birthday Susan.
Happy Birthday Susan.
Happy Birthday Susan.
Happy Birthday Susan.
Happy Birthday Susan.
Happy Birthday Susan.
Happy Birthday Susan.
Happy Birthday Susan.

Love, sandie


happy birthday and many more. your tablecloths are lovely.

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