Around here, the earth truly starts coming back to life in May, after the long, hard New England winter.
Everything seems to burst into bloom.
How incredible it is to see the trees festooned in pink blossoms and seas of white, too.
Yellow daffodils, multi-colored tulips, and sunshine make the month very special.
In Roman Catholic tradition, May is also the month of Mary, the Mother of God.
Many churches have the children put flower crowns on statues of the Blessed Mother.
It is joyful to honor the woman who brought the Son of God into the world.
So yes, May is a merry month and I hope it doesn't go by in a flash.
We just had a May Day crowning of Mary yesterday where my fourth grade grandson brought flowers and we all said the rosary with the fourth grade CCD classes. It was a lovely celebration and then they crowned Mary. I love the month of May as we sing songs of Mary in church too.
I do think you are getting great with the blog - love what you did today.
May=graduation for me.
Susan, May is my birthday month, so I'm a bit partial to it haha.
This is a lovely statue of Mary. e-mailing you right now. : )
May is the rainy month here, but April and May showers bring spring flowers. I love the transformation that takes place. I especially appreciate the early morning bird songs.
April was a good month for us. May has marked the end of spring time with summer temperatures upon us. 100 F today. Ugh! Have a great weekend.
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