My beloved Mama kept numerous scrapbooks during her lifetime.
Among the dozens I have, one contains greeting cards commemorating my birth, as well as every holiday on the calendar, for many years of my life!
I am so grateful to my Mom for keeping such a beautiful record of the special times in my young life.
Now, that scrapbook is an antique!
Recently, the thought came of starting to downsize (de-clutter) and the old greeting card scrapbook came to mind.
Thinking about throwing it out made me kind of sad.
Then, while visiting the Dollhouse and Toy Museum of Vermont in Bennington, I saw old-fashioned baby congratulations cards framed and hanging in a doorway!
Eureka! What a fabulous idea that was.

Jackie Marro, museum founder and owner, said the cards are changed for different holidays.
That's a great idea that I want to duplicate.
The museum's bright, purple sign out in front, matches perfectly with profuse displays of purple phlox.
If you are anywhere near Bennington, and enjoy miniatures and dollhouses, make the Dollhouse and Toy Museum a must-see stop.
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