Monday, September 30, 2019

Sending Laughter Your Way

If you woke up today, you have already received your first gift of the day! 

Today, my most sincere wish for you is that you will find plenty to smile about.

Whether it is the antics of a little kid or something funny someone does or says, let laughter rip.

It's so good to laugh and feel light-hearted.

Our world right now needs more laughter.  

Because decorating brings great satisfaction, it's always a pleasure to look for items, no matter how small, that make me smile or laugh right out loud.

Chances are that if they make me smile, they might make someone else smile, too. 



Chatty Crone said...

Those pumpkins have such sweet little faces, we went out to lunch with Shaye and Andy -and we had a nice lunch with lots of laughter! sandie

diane stetson said...

What is it that makes me laugh? My seven year old grandson...he's a to be near him and never can I be serious around him. Your pumpkin decorations are adorable.

SImple and Serene Living said...

Your decorations make me smile. xo Laura

ali said...

You should continue to do good work hard at your current job while seeking something else. You will get a bad reputation due to goofing off. The employers you are interviewing with might also catch wind of it as well. You need to always give your best shot in order to be successful.bhakti Bhajan
Religion Bhajan

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