Saturday, October 12, 2019

Beauty and Sadness Everywhere

On the splendorous autumn days, it's hard not to feel invigorated and full of joy.

Everywhere one looks, there is something lovely to observe.

Yet, admittedly, there is sadness in my heart these precious fall days.

So many people are facing life-threatening situations, health-wise and otherwise.

I weep for the Syrian people, especially the little innocent children with terror in their eyes.

Why, with all the wonders God has given to us in this world, must such horror happen?

My heart is always with children, especially those from Central America who are still in detention camps without their mommies and daddies. It is cruelty hard for me to swallow and for what?  Their parents just wanted better lives for their children, like parents everywhere.

So when seeing the glories of autumn,  deep and overwhelming gratitude fills my heart.

Along with seeing falling leaves, I think of all those in this world who are suffering.

 Sometimes it's just hard to hang in there and know that everything is going to be okay, if we just have patience and truly believe that God will eventually make all things right.
 (All photos in this post were taken at a Big Y Supermarket in western Massachusetts.)


nothoughtsnoprayersnonothing said...

I know what I do to cope when sorrow appears. And it will come - whether my own or for others.
I find writing about it is extremely helpful. And usually a poem. Concentrating on words and rhyme can be calming and keep the blood pressure down. Once I am serene, I can meet it better and decide if or what can be done about it.

Chatty Crone said...

Those were some gorgeous pumpkins there.
You are so right about the sadness of the world - I agree.
Don't forget the poor people in the Bahamas - right now they have nothing.
There is always someone to help and someone to pray for.

diane stetson said...

Let go and Let God handle it. There is and always will be problems in the family, in the world and in your own home. You have to have strong faith in all those situations. That's when your faith saves you.

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh Susan, you are such a good person. So thoughtful and caring. I think of these things too.....the unfairness in the world, and for those that are suffering, especially children. Saying the Rosary gives me the peace I need in these changing times. Your Fall photos brought some peace to me, and I do believe there is always HOPE.

Have a blessed weekend.


agatek said...


SImple and Serene Living said...

It all breaks my heart. I can't stand to see anything bad about children. They should not have to live their lives in fear. xo Laura

Red Rose Alley said...

Susan, I wanted to answer your question on Jess' birthday cake. It was chocolate and vanilla. Brian dyed the vanilla cake orange to make it look festive. And he made the frosting from scratch. Jess said it was Yummy, and they still have some leftover in their fridge.

ps.....stop by tomorrow if you get a chance. I think you will like by blog post. : )


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