Thursday, October 17, 2019

Halloween "Spook" Castle

A Halloween castle has been a great, seasonal project for three little kids.

Their creativity has gotten a real workout.

The original castle, no longer played with, used to be a colorful combination of bright green, pink, purple, and so on. 

I spray-painted it black.

Purple "bat-shaped" and white lights help provide a spooky atmosphere.

Dollar store skeletons, Halloween erasers, and old dollhouse furniture have all become part of the spook castle.

A little fortune teller and small barrel table, complete with a skeleton face, sit in front of a "bottle top" crystal ball.  Luckily, both fortune teller and barrel table were 50 percent off.

A very creepy skeleton head with pink eyes sits on the castle roof.

A day-of-the-dead skeleton head kids' watch, another dollar store purchase, is in an upstairs room. When turned on, it flashes brightly.

Halloween castle continues to provide lots of fun and laughter and will be a dining room table centerpiece until the holiday passes.



nothoughtsnoprayersnonothing said...

You make it look so easy to create the spooky places.
I have never tried to make a Halloween Castle or House. My house does it all for me.
You know those white cob webby things draped in the corner of haunted houses? I have plenty of those. And little spiders hanging down from them too.

I'm all ready for Halloween!!

diane stetson said...

Loved seeing this in person. Great job three little kids and you. Happy Halloween!

Red Rose Alley said...

I am wondering where you found that fortune teller with the crystal ball? I'm sure your grandkids enjoy the Halloween castle you created for them, Susan. I am still wanting to get a doll house someday and deck it out. It would be so fun to decorate it for Christmas. : )


Chatty Crone said...

Susan that was truly absolutely delightful. I loved it I know the kids did! Clever how you found the house - painted it black - purple lights - and all the accessories! I love it!

Merlesworld said...

No can't say I have.

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

How incredibly cute this is!!

SImple and Serene Living said...

It is so cute and you are so creative. What a fun treat for the kids. xo Laura

Linda O'Connell said...

I know your little darling enjoyed this delight. Have a great week.

prince said...
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