Thursday, December 12, 2019

Poinsettias Against White

Regular readers of this blog know what a penchant I have for thrift store shopping.

One day while perusing some now long forgotten thrift shop,  a lovely tablecloth with beautiful poinsettias came home with me.

It has been my favorite ever since and it is used a lot from Christmas to Christmas each year.

It's actually holding up quite well.

To change things up a bit, this year, a Christmas runner was added,  down the middle of the tablecloth and it's a nice touch.



Chatty Crone said...

I love your kitchen - so bright and white and clean! You know there are little things - which I have forgotten I'd like - but nothing big.

Linda O'Connell said...

Your table cloth is pretty and classic. I have no real needs, but would like a new set of silverware since mine is made up of odds and ends that look similar. Truth is, I will do as i have for always: make do.

diane stetson said...

The only thing I really want for Christmas can't be bought.

SImple and Serene Living said...

What a a great tablecloth. I have everything that I could want this Christmas. xo Laura

Thankful for Grace said...

That is a beautiful tablecloth. Thrift stores really are great!

Red Rose Alley said...

Your white table cloth with the red poinsettias is so charming, Susan. It really looks nice on your kitchen table. It looks like it's in good shape and fairly new. I love to see all your Christmas decorations around your home.


Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

I have a similar tablecloth. Will get it out next week and put it on the table. We don't do gifts anymore. There's not a thing that we need. The real gift would be getting rid of all the things we aren't using.

agatek said...

The table looks perfect!

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