Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Spirit of Christmas

Love is in the air at Christmastime.

Many people are kinder and more loving and that touches one's heart.

While the season can be quite exhausting, it's also exhilarating.

It's comforting to look around the house at all kinds of holiday decorations and also, to welcome guests.

When someone gives me a Christmas present, it doesn't go under the tree.

Nope.  All presents are opened on-the-spot!  ha!

A very dear friend, Jana, sent a box of gifties that were all wonderful.

Look at this darling sign about grandkids being spoiled here. (And oh boy, is that ever true! ha.)

It's now hanging on door in the hall. 

Another cutie patootie gift is a little red glass angel with transparent wings.

It's from another sweetie pie friend, Christine.



Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

The little angel is lovely. I miss being able to send and receive cards and packages.

Linda O'Connell said...

I was beginning to think cards were a thing of the past, but yesterday I received a mailbox filled with cards, much to my delight. That little angel is a delight. Thank you for your visit.

diane stetson said...

I spread the spirit of Christmas by singing at a nursing home with a Santa hat and tambourine and jingle bells. The residents love hearing the familiar tunes and sing along. I never open any gifts before Christmas day. They are all under the tree.

Red Rose Alley said...

What lovely gifts at Christmastime, Susan. The glass angel looks just like something you would have in your home, as you often show us glass vases and such you've collected through the years. The little snowman plate is sweet. Isn't it fun to get surprises in the mail or even from our friends in person? My sister gives the perfect gifts every time. I met her for lunch yesterday, and she gave me a few goodies too.

Your Christmas posts have been so delightful, Susan. I appreciate them very much. : )


Chatty Crone said...

I just love that glass angel. So pretty especially in the light. And the snowman plate too is cute. You are loved.

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