Monday, January 20, 2020

Flowers and a Snowstorm

The snow began to fall right after 1 p.m., as predicted by weather people.

It snowed steadily all day yesterday.

On snow days, it's perfectly delightful to stay home where it's warm and cozy.

The flowers my daughter gave to me last week are still quite beautiful.

One day, I was able to snap a few photos of them filled with afternoon sun.

When the storms of life hit us, where can we go for warmth and comfort?

Where can we find beauty, like the flowers, when problems, instead of snow, chill us?

For me, the greatest comfort is found in the Lord, and from dear blog peeps, from some family members, and friends.

There is also comfort in living in the moment, decorating for Valentine's Day, and hunkering down under a warm cover while watching a movie.



diane stetson said...

We do not have winter here but it does get chilly at night and so I read in bed with my electric blanket and that is very comforting.

Linda O'Connell said...

Hope you have a good week ahead. I am counting the days until spring. Meanwhile I wrap myself in a warm fuzzy throw cover when I read or watch TV.

Chatty Crone said...

I am quoting you - same for me:
"For me, the greatest comfort is found in the Lord, and from dear blog peeps, from some family members, and friends."
Love, sandie

Buttercup said...

Exactly the same as you! My blog buddies and the friendships we share have been one of the great joys of the last decade. And there are new friends waiting to be met.

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