Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Scary Times

Holy smokes, the coronavirus is wreaking all kinds of havoc in our lives.

For the very first time in my own life, (and I'm getting to be as old as dirt), the schools are closed for three weeks,  restaurants can offer take-out food only, and there can be no gatherings of more than 25 people across the state of Massachusetts.

This is serious stuff.

The hand-santizer gets thrust into the hands of any guests brave enough to ring the doorbell.

During these scary times, it's important to stay vigilant and homebound as much as humanly possible.

The lockdown is not an opportunity to take a vacation. It's serious.  Its purpose is to try and halt the spread of a killer disease

So while home, take the opportunity to make yourself a cup of tea, or coffee, if you prefer.

Use the prettiest teapot you can find.  

Read something you've been dying to read but have had no time. You can even set a specific reading time, like one hour.

Pray for those who have contracted the virus, that they may get better soon, as well as for those who are most at risk to get it.

Remember that "This, too, shall pass."  Let's hope it goes away ASAP.

Stay safe. Stay sanitized.  Stay home.



diane stetson said...

I have guests from back east for a few more days. We've been shopping, getting massages, pedicures, hair done etc. but now we are homebound and all our activities that we had tickets to have been canceled. We are playing Scrabble and just reading and listening to the horrible news on tv. PLEASE stay safe and healthy Susan.

Chatty Crone said...

I agree with everything you said.
I have friends who have been sending me word searches and things like that.
Be careful.

Linda O'Connell said...

I am doing a lot of reading and tea sipping during these trying times. Pretty tea pot.

Red Rose Alley said...

That tea pot is gorgeous, Susan. Wouldn't mind having a cup of tea in that. Is that the English Rose design? It's a bit chaotic at the stores around here. Household supplies are running scarce and the shelves are bare. I hope they stock up again soon. Your post was calming and reassuring. Thank you, Susan.


diane stetson said...

Play board games!

SImple and Serene Living said...

What a pretty teapot. I'm taking my self quarantine time to spring clean, and I have downloaded apps to brush up my cribbage playing and speaking french skills. Who knows. I may be playing cribbage with someone in France soon LOL
xo Laura

Laurel Wood said...

We have stayed isolated during the virus. In March 2020, when the virus was new, I would walk the floors and look out the windows often. These days, I am more patient and have found ways to pass the time. When my dad was struggling with leukemia, I became aware of how important it is to wash our hands etc. what was scary in our region when the virus started, is that stores were running out of soap. I was fortunate to buy a big bundle of safeguard bar soap, which I am still using.

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