Thursday, March 19, 2020

Thoughts on Wednesday

Hello Dear Blog Peeps...

 We are all living in a strange time with all this coronavirus panic.

It truly is a horrendous virus so it's imperative to take all the precautions suggested.

It really is a matter of life and death, for some of us.

The isolation is a hard one.  

It's difficult for me to refrain from hugging, from seeing the grandkids, from going out to the supermarket, and being unable to swim since the pool is closed.

While it's important to know what's going on in the rest of the world, I have decided to curtail watching too many news reports on television.

I'll listen to the nightly news and maybe Rachel Maddow but that's about it.

A good mantra to follow is "THIS, TOO, SHALL PASS."

None of us know when but it will.

On a more pleasant note, I love needlepoint pillows.

One I bought a few years ago in a thrift shop is still one of my absolute favorites.

It's primarily pink flowers and it looks so nice against our deep cranberry colored couch.

That's where I watch the news, too!

Please, blog peeps, keep safe.

Do what you need to do to avoid too much exposure to the deadly virus.

Be kind.  Be compassionate. Think of others. 



Chatty Crone said...

Love your pretty pillow there.
Yes I know what you mean about the news.
I think this too will pass - just not sure when.
I guess your pool did close - can't say I am surprised - are you?

diane stetson said...

Everything is either closed , canceled and shelves at the stores are bare. It's really so sad and bad so I have to say that this too shall pass like you do Susan. We are coping the best we can watching taped tv shows, playing board games and singing and playing the piano.

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, this pillow is so pretty, Susan, and it looks very nice on your cranberry couch. I don't see needlepoint pillows around that often. It looks Victorian to me. It's good not to watch too many news reports like you're doing, but to keep updated. I am doing Ok, and thanks for asking. : )


Linda O'Connell said...

Our news is giving hourly reports. I am tired of the doom and gloom and have been reading. I agree, this too shall pass. Maybe it's teaching us patience.
Blessings to you and yours.

Laurel Wood said...

Your needlepoint pillow is so pretty. Years ago, I enjoyed both needlepoint and cross stitch. My hands tremble and my eyesight is not so good now but I still enjoy looking at, if not creating, the pieces. My aunt had dining chairs where the seats were needlepoint.

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