Sunday, March 1, 2020

The Lord Is My Shepherd

It's always comforting to think about the Lord being our shepherd.

Shepherds adore their sheep.

They watch over them and make sure they are safe from harm.

There is something about sheep that is endearing, too.

With their fluffy wool and bleating sounds, they are animals that almost always make me smile.

May today, and every day,  you feel blessed and loved.



diane stetson said...

May the Lord bless you and shepherd you through hard times. I don't have a favorite animal...but I did have a cat for eighteen years if that counts.

Chatty Crone said...

I could write a whole paragraph on how well Shepard's guard their sheep - first of all their life depends on taking care of them. They actually sleep - their body as the gate for the sheep. They know each ones temperament. Each ones blemish. If they lose one - the Shepard will go look for it. Truly.

Red Rose Alley said...

What a sweet post, Susan. I really liked it. Yes, there's something about sheep that make me smile. That's a cute little sheep in your knick knack shelf.

Bless you too, Susan, and may the March days bring you much goodness.. : )

love, ~Sheri

Linda O'Connell said...

May the lord bless you and yours! Nice post.

Andrea Charles said...

I believe animals are similar to humans. They too have high intelligence and emotion. My favorite one is a dog. Faithful, cute, loving, you can give any name to a dog because all the characters suit a dog. For me, a dog is not an animal but a friend!! Hope I answered you, Susan!!

VasanthMusicCoimbatore said...

Psalms 23 has always been my favorite Psalm from the bible and I recite it whenever I face troubles in my life and feel the joy in my heart. Thank you, Susan, for the lovely post! Your sheep looks cute on the shelf. The dog has always been my favorite pet.

Laurel Wood said...

I once had a blog friend in Washington state who raised Jacob sheep. She would spin the wool and make lovely table runners and rugs. She also made mini sheep for Christmas villages. I too love sheep and the love the Shepherd has for his sheep. Psalm 23 is so comforting.

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