Thursday, March 26, 2020

Up Goes the Spirit

In these tumultuous times, it's important to keep up our spirits.

Besides prayer, which many of us do constantly, we also need to connect with people on the phone and through our computers.

 We also have to be cognizant of what brings us peace and makes us happy, in whatever way possible, especially if we are relegated to stay put in our homes.

The social isolation can really get on our human nerves.
  Since Easter is still going to come in just a few weeks, I decided to dig out some favorite decorations.

Miss Bunny is among them. 

She came from a yard sale, a few years ago, that was held on a bad weather day.  Almost no one attended.

Because of feeling so badly for the seller, my eyes glanced  around to see what I could buy but nothing struck my fancy until  spotting Miss Bunny.

She seemed quite glam and was certainly worth a couple of bucks. 

 She came home with me that day and has been part of Easter decor ever since.

Of course, I love the hand-painted Polish wooden eggs as well. 

They are so colorful and unique.

Please find something that lifts your spirit and makes you smile as we take one moment of life at a time until this dreadful coronavirus passes.

Prayers are also very appropriate for all the thousands of people who have already lost their lives and for those who will lose them before this all goes away.



Linda O'Connell said...

I have a ceramic mama rabbit with two babies. They have tricked so many people over the years who think they are chocolate.

Carolyn said...

Hi Susan,
Perfect time to get out our Easter decor and enjoy it.
Hope you and your loved ones remain well and this passes soon.
Take good care!

diane stetson said...

I smile at all your Easter decorations.

Red Rose Alley said...

The Polish wooden eggs are beautiful, Susan. I didn't realize you had so many. I especially like that turquoise one. And isn't Miss Bunny the cutest? She looks so elegant in her long dress. She reminds me of a grand regal bunny. That's a good idea to put out a few Easter decorations. I think I'll do that this weekend. : )

Take care, Susan.


Chatty Crone said...

Miss Bunny and the eggs are beautiful Susan.
You know what makes me smile?
Disco, my dog - he is at total peace.

Laurel Wood said...

Susan, the hand painted eggs and the bunny are beautiful. I have a fondness for butterflies, and I like that Miss Bunny has butterflies. Even before COVID, our lives were a bit isolated due to illness. I enjoy listening to the lyrics of hymns and I also enjoy time with my cats and little dog. Their shenanigans make me smile! 😻

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